Be Aware: Parents and Carers
Welcome to the parents and carers page of the Be Aware knowledge hub. Be Aware is an online knowledge and information hub all about child exploitation. The resources and information on this page have been designed alongside parents and carers from across our county to give you the information you need about child exploitation so you can Be Aware of the potential risks.

Child exploitation is a form of child abuse and sadly it is happening here in North Yorkshire. Young people and the families around them are victims of this abuse.
The best way to tackle and disrupt this is with knowledge and information about what Child Exploitation is; what the signs are, what to do if you are worried, and what support is available for families in North Yorkshire.

Parents are often the first to notice that their child is being exploited. It is so important to act quickly and intervene early if you suspect your child is being exploited. Listen to some parents whose children have been exploited talk about the changes they noticed in their children.
Ivison Trust has worked in partnership with parents who have been affected by child exploitation to challenge the stigma associated with child exploitation. Featuring the voices of affected parents, the film tells the story of what it feels like for parents to live with the stigma and how everyone can play a role in supporting families with compassion and courage, instead of blame and shame.
Page reviewed: January 2025