Child Deaths

The death of a child is always tragic. Talking and thinking about a child’s death is a sensitive and painful subject which is particularly upsetting for parents, families and carers.
The reviewing of child deaths is statutory for local safeguarding partnerships in England. The purpose of the processes is to try to understand how a child has died and then put in place interventions to protect other children and prevent future deaths wherever possible from learning.
It is intended that the Child Death Review process will:
- Document and try to understand the cause of death so that parents/guardians and the wider family can come to terms with the death of their child.
- Enable parents/guardians and professionals to take steps to prevent the deaths of any other children where possible.
- Identify patterns of deaths in a community so that preventable or avoidable hazards that may contribute to deaths can be recognised and reduced.
- Contribute to the improved collection of forensic evidence in the very small proportion of deaths where there might be concerns about the cause of death being non-accidental.
North Yorkshire and City of York Safeguarding Children Partnership work together to co-ordinate the review of child deaths and share learning to help safeguard children across North Yorkshire and the City of York.
To view North Yorkshire and the City of York’s CDOP arrangements see:

For further information please see:
A joint Child Death Overview Panel (CDOP) is in place for both North Yorkshire and York Safeguarding Partnerships.
Professionals who become aware of a child death are encouraged to contact:
Child Death Review Officer
T: 01609 532624 or contact the NYSCP on 01609 535123
Notification should be made using the online Child Death Notification form:
Child Death Notification – Online Form
Should it not be possible to complete a notification online, the paper version should be completed and returned to
Child Death Notification – Word Form
Representatives from each key agency involved in the care of the child are required to complete a Reporting Form with the information they hold, drawing on a review of their agencies records and discussions with individual practitioners. Some aspects of the form are specific to individual agencies, but each one should provide a summary of relevant information available to them. Once all reporting forms are submitted, the Child Death Review Officer will collate and anonymise the information provided for eventual consideration by the Child Death Overview Panel.
The Child Death Overview Panel produces a report annually outlining the work that has been undertaken and most importantly, lessons learned and actions taken to protect children and young people from harm and reduce future deaths wherever possible. To view the panel’s latest report click below:
CDOP Annual Report 2020/2021
CDOP Annual Report 2021/2022
CDOP Annual Report 2022/2023
CDOP Annual Report 2023/2024
This resource outlines the framework set out in the Child Death Review: Statutory and Operational Guidance in England and the statutory guidance in Working Together to Safeguard Children.
The guidance sets out the key features of what a good child death review process should look like in order to standardise practice nationally and enable thematic learning to prevent future deaths.
Child Death Reviews (
The following procedure should be followed for all deaths of a care leave in North Yorkshire and the City of York:
– Death of a Care Leaver Process for North Yorkshire and the City of York