
Welcome to North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Partnership’s current training. Below you will find details of training courses, how to book and whether the course is free or chargeable.
Please note that the training listed below is a detailed but not exhaustive list of safeguarding training that professionals can access. However, NYSCP has been assured of the courses listed in terms of their relevance to North Yorkshire and the quality of the training.
North Yorkshire Council Training Guidance – Designated Safeguarding Leads
North Yorkshire Education Service has produced guidance on North Yorkshire Council: Safeguarding Children Training, this details what courses would be advised for those colleagues who are new to the role of Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSL) and what courses to undertake for refresher sessions.
NYSCP Developments in Safeguarding: Learning Sessions
The NYSCP Developments in Safeguarding learning sessions are delivered as virtual events and are designed for anyone working or volunteering with children and young people.
Unless stated otherwise, learning sessions will take place between 12:00 noon and 1:00 pm on the first Wednesday of each month. Each session will cover a different safeguarding theme.
If you are unable to attend, most or our sessions are recorded and available on our YouTube channel
>> Click here for upcoming sessions and resources and recordings from previous sessions <<
School Designated Safeguarding Leads Network Meetings
The NYSCP School Designated Safeguarding Leads Network Webinars are open to all North Yorkshire Schools in North Yorkshire. Morning and afternoon sessions are available every term – please only select AM or PM sessions.
>> Book your places <<
Training Courses, Webinars and Events
Select from a wide range of training courses, webinars and events provided by the NYSCP and its partners. Depending on the nature of your organisation and the course you select, training may be free or provided at cost, for more information please see the individual course details when booking. For most courses, you will need to register for a free NYES account (for more information see
>>To view and book the available safeguarding children courses please click here<<
Adult Safeguarding Training
Anyone who works with adults in the community, either as a paid worker or volunteer, has a role to play in safeguarding adults and promoting their health and wellbeing. They need to have the right skills and knowledge to work with people to help and protect them. A range of training courses have been developed to suit all levels of staff and volunteers from the statutory, voluntary and independent sectors.
These can be assessed through North Yorkshire Safeguarding Adults Board.
>>To view and book the available safeguarding adult courses please click here<<
We have selected a range of free safeguarding e-learning courses from NYSCP, local, and national organisations. NYSCP is not responsible for the content of delivery provided by external providers.
>> See and book available courses here <<
North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Partnership and North Yorkshire Safeguarding Adults Board Training Standards
The North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Partnership and the North Yorkshire Safeguarding Adults Board have produced a document to assist partners in identifying the minimum requirements which should be in place across all organisations that work with children, young people or adults.
Click here to read the full document
NYSCP Cancellation & Charging Policy
All NYSCP named courses are subject to NYSCP cancellation and charging policy. To view NYSCP’s cancellation policy click on the drop-down section below:
The NYSCP coordinates safeguarding training for colleagues working with children and young people in North Yorkshire in line with its Learning and Improvement Framework. Training focuses on themes identified in the North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Partnership (NYSCP) Business Plan, Practice Guidance, Procedures, learning from reviews, audits, and national and local guidance.
Training is designed to offer colleagues across agencies an opportunity to share experiences and improve their skills in operational practice and ensures that training and learning impact positively on future practice and ultimately improve outcomes for children.
For face-to-face delivery courses, it is important that delegates attend for the duration of the course and arrive and leave at the specified times.
Demand for NYSCP courses is high and as a result, some applicants may not be able to obtain a place. To ensure that we achieve maximum attendance for our courses agencies must either:
– Provide us with a minimum of seven days’ notice of any cancellation for the place to be offered to another candidate. Where a booking is cancelled less than seven days before the course, except in circumstances of sickness, the cancellation fee will be £50 for one half-day training and £50 per day where the course lasts two days or more. Candidates who are unable to attend due to sickness must inform the NYSCP Business Unit immediately after they are aware of their inability to attend by emailing; or
– Send another colleague to attend the course in the place of the original delegate. This is acceptable practice, and no charge will be made. Where this is the case, the substitute delegate must inform the course tutor, and the course register should be amended to recognise the substitution.
By signing up to complete a course delegates must be aware that if they do not attend a NYSCP-delivered course and have failed to comply with points one or two above they will incur a cancellation charge of £50.