NYSCP Developments in Safeguarding learning session Webinars - North Yorkshire

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Developments in Safeguarding learning session Webinars

Developments in Safeguarding learning session Webinars

Safeguarding Webinars for 2025

The NYSCP Developments in Safeguarding webinars are delivered as virtual events and are designed for those working with children and young people.

Webinars will take place between 12:00 noon and 1:00 pm on the first Wednesday of each month unless stated otherwise. Each session will cover a different theme.

If you are unable to attend a session then you can also view the session online via our YouTube channel or by visiting the Learning for Professionals page.

If there are any webinars that you would like the partnership to cover as part of our 2025 schedule please contact us via the nyscp@northyorks.gov.uk email.

NYSCP Developments in Safeguarding Webinar
This workshop will present a summary of findings from insights work into young people and vaping conducted by the Behavioural Science team based within North Yorkshire Public Health. A series of focus groups were conducted in the first half of 2024 with groups of young people aged 11-16. The insights from the focus groups highlight the young people’s views and understanding of vaping, in addition to the factors that may influence young people to vape or not. A series of recommendations have been collated that look at how to these findings can be utilised moving forward. 
Delegates will gain enhanced knowledge in relevant issues, changes in legislation, practice and guidance as well as learning from audits and reviews
Anyone working / volunteering with children young people and their families across North Yorkshire with the view to help you keep up to date with current developments surrounding safeguarding children
Date / Time
22 January 2025 – 12:00 to 13:00
Where to Book
NYSCP Developments in Safeguarding Learning Session (Previously Masterclass) – Vaping Workshop | NYES Info

NYSCP Developments in Safeguarding, Online Learning Session – February 2025
This session will cover –
– What is Parental Conflict
– Triggers that may lead to Parental Conflict
– How Parental Conflict is different to Domestic Abuse
– The impact of Parental Conflict on Children
– Parents who may be more susceptible to experiencing unresolved arguing
– Resources and signposting
Delegates will gain enhanced knowledge in relevant issues, changes in legislation, practice and guidance as well as learning from audits and reviews
Anyone working / volunteering with children young people & their families across North Yorkshire with the view to help you keep up to date with current developments surrounding safeguarding children
Date / Time
12 February 2025 – 12:00 to 13:00
Where to Book
NYSCP Developments in Safeguarding, Online Learning Session (Previously Masterclass) – February 2025 | NYES Info

NYSCP Developments in Safeguarding, Online Learning Session – April 2025
The NYSCP Developments in Safeguarding online learning session is a monthly free lunchtime webinar which features the latest information on best practice, changes to legislation and guidance as well as local, regional and national learning. Each month will feature different subject and delegates will hear from multi-agency partners dedicated to ensuring the safety and wellbeing of children and young people.
Delegates will gain enhanced knowledge in relevant issues, changes in legislation, practice and guidance as well as learning from audits and reviews
Booking Information
The course is subject to the NYSCP’s Cancellation and Charging Policy (see http://www.safeguardingchildren.co.uk/learning-improvement/cancellation-charging-policy)
Anyone working / volunteering with children young people & their families across North Yorkshire with the view to help you keep up to date with current developments surrounding safeguarding children
Date / Time
5 March 2025 – 12:00 to 13:00
Where to Book
NYSCP Developments in Safeguarding, Online Learning Session (Previously Masterclass) – March 2025 | NYES Info

NYSCP Developments in Safeguarding, Online Learning Session – April 2025
The NYSCP Developments in Safeguarding online learning session is a monthly free lunchtime webinar which features the latest information on best practice, changes to legislation and guidance as well as local, regional and national learning. Each month will feature different subject and delegates will hear from multi-agency partners dedicated to ensuring the safety and wellbeing of children and young people.
Delegates will gain enhanced knowledge in relevant issues, changes in legislation, practice and guidance as well as learning from audits and reviews
Booking Information
The course is subject to the NYSCP’s Cancellation and Charging Policy (see http://www.safeguardingchildren.co.uk/learning-improvement/cancellation-charging-policy)
Anyone working / volunteering with children young people & their families across North Yorkshire with the view to help you keep up to date with current developments surrounding safeguarding children
Date / Time
2 April 2025 – 12:00 to 13:00
Where to Book
NYSCP Developments in Safeguarding, Online Learning Session (Previously Masterclass) – April 2025 | NYES Info

NYSCP Developments in Safeguarding, Early Years Learning Session
The NYSCP Early Years Masterclass is a biannual evening webinar which features the latest information on best practice, changes to legislation and guidance as well as local, regional and national learning.
Delegates will gain enhanced knowledge in relevant issues, changes in legislation, practice and guidance as well as learning from audits and reviews.
This course is open to anyone Anyone working / volunteering with children young people and their families in early years providers and childminders across North Yorkshire
Date / Time
23 April 2025 – 19:00 – 21:00
Where to Book
NYSCP Developments in Safeguarding, Early Years Learning Session (Previously Masterclass) | NYES Info

NYSCP Developments in Safeguarding, Early Help Thresholds
The NYSCP Developments in Safeguarding Masterclass is a monthly free lunchtime webinar which features the latest information on best practice, changes to legislation and guidance as well as local, regional and national learning. Each month will feature different subject and delegates will hear from multi-agency partners dedicated to ensuring the safety and wellbeing of children and young people.
Delegates will gain enhanced knowledge in relevant issues, changes in legislation, practice and guidance as well as learning from audits and reviews.
This course is open to anyone Anyone working / volunteering with children young people and their families in early years providers and childminders across North Yorkshire
Date / Time
7 May 2025 – 12:00 to 13:00
Where to Book
NYSCP Developments in Safeguarding, Online Learning Session (Previously Masterclass) – May 2025 | NYES Info

NYSCP Developments in Safeguarding
The NYSCP Developments in Safeguarding Masterclass is a monthly free lunchtime webinar which features the latest information on best practice, changes to legislation and guidance as well as local, regional and national learning. Each month will feature different subject and delegates will hear from multi-agency partners dedicated to ensuring the safety and wellbeing of children and young people.
Delegates will gain enhanced knowledge in relevant issues, changes in legislation, practice and guidance as well as learning from audits and reviews.
This course is open to anyone Anyone working / volunteering with children young people and their families in early years providers and childminders across North Yorkshire
Date / Time
4 June 2025 – 12:00 to 13:00
Where to Book
NYSCP Developments in Safeguarding, Online Learning Session (Previously Masterclass) – June 2025 | NYES Info

NYSCP Developments in Safeguarding
The NYSCP Developments in Safeguarding Masterclass is a monthly free lunchtime webinar which features the latest information on best practice, changes to legislation and guidance as well as local, regional and national learning. Each month will feature different subject and delegates will hear from multi-agency partners dedicated to ensuring the safety and wellbeing of children and young people.
Delegates will gain enhanced knowledge in relevant issues, changes in legislation, practice and guidance as well as learning from audits and reviews.
This course is open to anyone Anyone working / volunteering with children young people and their families in early years providers and childminders across North Yorkshire
Date / Time
2 July 2025 12:00 to 13:00
Where to book
NYSCP Developments in Safeguarding, Online Learning Session (Previously Masterclass) – July 2025 | NYES Info

NYSCP Developments in Safeguarding
The NYSCP Developments in Safeguarding Masterclass is a monthly free lunchtime webinar which features the latest information on best practice, changes to legislation and guidance as well as local, regional and national learning. Each month will feature different subject and delegates will hear from multi-agency partners dedicated to ensuring the safety and wellbeing of children and young people.
Delegates will gain enhanced knowledge in relevant issues, changes in legislation, practice and guidance as well as learning from audits and reviews.
This course is open to anyone Anyone working / volunteering with children young people and their families in early years providers and childminders across North Yorkshire
Date / Time
3 September 2025 – 12:00 to 13:00
Where to Book
NYSCP Developments in Safeguarding, Online Learning Session (Previously Masterclass) – September 2025 | NYES Info

NYSCP Developments in Safeguarding
The NYSCP Developments in Safeguarding Masterclass is a monthly free lunchtime webinar which features the latest information on best practice, changes to legislation and guidance as well as local, regional and national learning. Each month will feature different subject and delegates will hear from multi-agency partners dedicated to ensuring the safety and wellbeing of children and young people.
Delegates will gain enhanced knowledge in relevant issues, changes in legislation, practice and guidance as well as learning from audits and reviews.
This course is open to anyone Anyone working / volunteering with children young people and their families in early years providers and childminders across North Yorkshire
Date / Time
1 October2025 – 12:00 – 13:00
Where to Book
NYSCP Developments in Safeguarding, Online Learning Session (Previously Masterclass) – October 2025 | NYES Info

NYSCP Developments in Safeguarding, Early Years Learning Session
The NYSCP Early Years Masterclass is a biannual evening webinar which features the latest information on best practice, changes to legislation and guidance as well as local, regional and national learning.
Delegates will gain enhanced knowledge in relevant issues, changes in legislation, practice and guidance as well as learning from audits and reviews.
This course is open to anyone Anyone working / volunteering with children young people and their families in early years providers and childminders across North Yorkshire
Date and time
8 October 2025, 19:00 – 21:00
Booking Information
Where to book:
NYSCP Developments in Safeguarding, Early Years Learning Session (Previously Masterclass) | NYES Info

NYSCP Developments in Safeguarding Webinar
The NYSCP Developments in Safeguarding Masterclass is a monthly free lunchtime webinar which features the latest information on best practices, changes to legislation and guidance as well as local, regional and national learning. Each month will feature different subjects and delegates will hear from multi-agency partners dedicated to ensuring the safety and wellbeing of children and young people.
Delegates will gain enhanced knowledge of relevant issues, changes in legislation, practice, and guidance as well as learn from audits and reviews
Anyone working/volunteering with children young people and their families across North Yorkshire with the view to help you keep up to date with current developments surrounding safeguarding children
Date / Time
5 November 2025 – 12:00 to 13:00
Where to Book
NYSCP Developments in Safeguarding, Online Learning Session (Previously Masterclass) – November 2025 | NYES Info

NYSCP Developments in Safeguarding Webinar
The NYSCP Developments in Safeguarding Masterclass is a monthly free lunchtime webinar which features the latest information on best practices, changes to legislation and guidance as well as local, regional, and national learning. Each month will feature different subjects and delegates will hear from multi-agency partners dedicated to ensuring the safety and wellbeing of children and young people.
Delegates will gain enhanced knowledge of relevant issues, changes in legislation, practice, and guidance as well as learn from audits and reviews
Anyone working/volunteering with children young people and their families across North Yorkshire with the view to help you keep up to date with current developments surrounding safeguarding children
Date / Time
3 December 2025 – 12:00 to 13:00
Where to Book

Learning event Webinar recordings for 2024

NYSCP Developments in Safeguarding Webinar – Learning from LADO cases
Partners will understand the role of the LADO and the processes they use as well a learning from recent cases.
NYSCP Developments in Safeguarding Masterclass February 2024 (youtube.com)

The launch of the new North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Partnership Multi-Agency Child Exploitation and Contextual Safeguarding Strategy
To coincide with Child Exploitation Awareness Day on 18th March, North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Partnership are proud to launch their new Multi-Agency Child Exploitation and Contextual Safeguarding Strategy.
The session will share an outline of work that has been completed and successes of the 2020-2023 strategy.
Highlight consultation work that has taken place to develop the new strategy
Share information on the Tackling Child Exploitation Practice Principles.
Share the new strategy and give partners a chance to reflect in the strategic priorities and what it means for their practice.
A recording of the session is available here: NYSCP Safeguarding Masterclass. MACE & Contextual Safeguarding Strategy Launch (youtube.com)
**please note this was delivered as part of a full learning week looking at child exploitation: to access the recordings and resources click hereNYSCP (safeguardingchildren.co.uk)

NYSCP Developments in Safeguarding Webinar
The #AskMe…. Have a Conversation is a campaign aimed at professionals across North Yorkshire to encourage them to have conversations with new and expectant parents about how they are feeling about a number of aspects of having and caring for a baby. The key messages are derived from a series of common things that are often a concern to new parents and have been developed in conjunction with the learning identified from our recently commissioned thematic review identifying learning from three similar cases of non-accidental injury to non-mobile infants.
The campaign is not designed to replace any of the work already undertaken through NYSCP including the work around SUDI, ICON, or the resources accessible through the Lullaby Trust. It aims to raise awareness among frontline practitioners of the need to ask parents how they are feeling around aspects of caring for their baby in those crucial first few months of life. The campaign recognises that the arrival of a new baby is a big life-changing event, and it can be hard for new parents to share with professionals that they are struggling. It is therefore crucial that frontline practitioners have the confidence to explore with new and expectant parents how they are feeling and how they are coping with these changes.
The session will include a presentation by two designated Safeguarding nurses highlighting learning from a recent thematic review to open the learning event and outline why the campaign is so important. Partners have the opportunity to view campaign materials and resources that are collated to support the campaign.
A recording of the presentation can be accessed here: NYSCP Safeguarding Masterclass – April 2024 #AskMe Masterclass (youtube.com)

To celebrate Volunteers Week which takes place 1-7th June every year, NYSCP is proud to welcome partners from the Voluntary, Community, and Social Enterprise (VCSE) sector. The webinar will highlight the important role that volunteers and those who work in the VSE community hold in the partnership and in the safeguarding of young people across North Yorkshire. The session will also be the launch of a new and exciting campaign; highlighting key safeguarding messages for those in the VCSE community and beyond.
The NYSCP Developments in Safeguarding Webinar is a monthly free lunchtime learning event which features the latest information on best practice, changes to legislation and guidance as well as local, regional and national learning. Each month will feature different subject and delegates will hear from multi-agency partners dedicated to ensuring the safety and wellbeing of children and young people.
This description will be updated close to the event and more information is also available from https://www.safeguardingchildren.co.uk/training-north-yorkshire/training-courses/
A recording of the presentation can be accessed here: NYSCP Masterclass June 2024 Voluntary Sector – YouTube

NYSCP Developments in Safeguarding Webinar
The session will be lead by the NYSCP business unit and will provide partners with the opportunity to hear developments in relation to learning from audits, thematic reviews and serious case reviews.
Delegates will gain enhanced knowledge in relevant issues, changes in legislation, practice and guidance as well as learning from audits and reviews
Where to Watch

NYSCP Developments in Safeguarding Webinar
This workshop will present a summary of findings from insights work into young people and vaping conducted by the Behavioural Science team based within North Yorkshire Public Health. A series of focus groups were conducted in the first half of 2024 with groups of young people aged 11-16. The insights from the focus groups highlight the young people’s views and understanding of vaping, in addition to the factors that may influence young people to vape or not. A series of recommendations have been collated that look at how to these findings can be utilised moving forward. 
Delegates will gain enhanced knowledge in relevant issues, changes in legislation, practice and guidance as well as learning from audits and reviews
Where to Book
This webinar has was unable to run and will now be held in the new year. You can book your place here:
NYSCP Developments in Safeguarding Learning Session (Previously Masterclass) – Vaping Workshop | NYES Info

NYSCP Developments in Safeguarding Learning Session – Early Years
The NYSCP Early Years Masterclass is a biannual evening webinar which features the latest information on best practice, changes to legislation and guidance as well as local, regional and national learning.
Delegates will gain enhanced knowledge in relevant issues, changes in legislation, practice and guidance as well as learning from audits and reviews.
Where to watch

NYSCP Developments in Safeguarding Webinar
The NYSCP Developments in Safeguarding Masterclass is a monthly free lunchtime webinar which features the latest information on best practices, changes to legislation and guidance as well as local, regional and national learning. Each month will feature different subjects and delegates will hear from multi-agency partners dedicated to ensuring the safety and wellbeing of children and young people.
Delegates will gain enhanced knowledge in relevant issues, changes in legislation, practice, and guidance as well as learning from audits and reviews
Where to watch

NYSCP partnership overview of the changes to Working Together to Safeguard Children and what it means for practice. Partnership updates from: Children and Families Service North Yorkshire Police North Yorkshire ICB Education Voluntary Sector.
The recording can be accessed here: NYSCP Learning Event Working Together to Safeguard Children December 2024

Learning event Webinar recordings for 2023

Drink Drug Hub

North Yorkshire Horizons has created a website packed with videos, guides, workbooks, and tools from across the web to help anyone affected by drink and drugs – including young people and those who help them. Called Drink Drug Hub, this new website can be used by workers of all disciplines, young people themselves, as well as their family members.  
The session will introduce the new website, provide a demonstration of its key features, and will include a short presentation exploring how many children use drugs, the drugs they use, the associated risks, and the pitfalls professionals face when trying to support young people who use drink and drugs.
Where to view this presentation
This presentation is available from our YouTube Channel or from https://youtu.be/n3PrUD7hML4

Sexual Abuse Referral Centre (SARC)

Paediatric Sexual Abuse Referral Centre (SARC) – What is a SARC?

The session will focus on the service’s pathways in cases for both pediatric acute and non-recent sexual abuse. In addition, focus on the importance and facilities available for children and young people who have disclosed non-recent sexual abuse and the support that can be provided at the SARC. Many professionals when they think of SARC and the service offered, think of forensics and the evidential aspect, however, the service is so much more than that. The SARC focuses on the holistic approach to a child or young person who has been sexually assaulted or abused and the physical, mental, and emotional aspects of that, it is not always about the forensics!
Where to view this presentation
This presentation is available from our YouTube Channel or from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4z6Tgvzy5GE

Growing up in North Yorkshire Survey Results

To provide key safeguarding data from the Growing up in North Yorkshire Survey 2020 and the implications for professionals who work with children and young people
Key headline safeguarding data from all key phases of education and data for the more vulnerable young people in North Yorkshire
Where to view this presentation
This presentation is available from our YouTube Channel or from https://youtu.be/evFCX-wUsmU

NYSCP Developments in Safeguarding Masterclass – Early Years Masterclass
“The NYSCP Developments in Safeguarding Masterclass is a monthly free lunchtime webinar which features the lates information on best practice, changes to legislation and guidance as well as local, regional and national learning. Each month will feature different subject and delegates will hear from multi-agency partners dedicated to ensuring the safety and wellbeing of children and young people.
Where to view this presentation
This conference has now taken place. To see recordings of sessions and access presentations and other resources please visit or Learning for professionals page or watch the recording at https://youtu.be/0aOHbpeWSyw

NYSCP Developments in Safeguarding Masterclass – June 2023
This session will outline the multi-agency Learning Themes Audit process and explore learning from the audits undertaken by the NYSCP, including:
– Multi-Agency Response to Children who have Repeat Child Protection Plans
– Multi-Agency Response to Children who are living with Autistic Spectrum Disorder
– Multi-Agency Response to Children Experiencing Neglect
Where to view this presentation
This session is available to watch on our YouTube Channel at https://youtu.be/VGFDu1sT_G4.

The purpose of this session is to share information about support and the services available in North Yorkshire for children and young
people’s social and emotional mental health (SEMH), with guidance on how to access them using the Mini Marketplace and the Needs
Based Guidance for SEMH resources.
Delegates will gain enhanced knowledge in relevant issues, changes in legislation, practice and guidance as well as learning from audits and reviews
This session is available to watch on our YouTube Channel at https://youtu.be/Lzh9WLsLV7Q

The aim of the session is to share the screening process with professionals once a referral has been made. The session will look at the models used to consider concerns raised in a referral and will consider legislation and thresholds for intervention. Participants will have the opportunity to take part in a mock Group Screening and will be able to think about how screening delivers the right support at the right time for families.
Delegates will gain enhanced knowledge in how to improve referrals.
This presentation can be viewed on the NYSCP’s YouTube channel here: https://youtu.be/38u8mIaDNFU

NYSCP Developments in Safeguarding Masterclass – October 2023
Healthy relationships between parents/carers are an important focus for all Practitioners who work with children and families. The quality of the relationship between parents/carers, specifically how they communicate and relate to each other, has a significant influence on effective parenting and children’s outcomes. The New Stronger Relationships – Parental Conflict Masterclass for Practitioners consists of a snapshot of why discussing conflict and relationships within work with our families is so important, there will be a mixture of theory and practice which will focus on the impact that frequent intense and poorly resolved conflict has on children ad young people. 
Where to view
Download the slides from the masterclass at https://www.safeguardingchildren.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/NYSCP-Masterclass.pdf
Details of the parental course:

NYSCP Developments in Safeguarding Masterclass – Early Years Masterclass – October 2023
Join the third Early Years NYSCP Masterclass on Wednesday, October 25th at 1900 – 2100 hrs. 
The FREE masterclass is held on Teams so all staff working with early children can attend. Join as a whole team or as an individual as part of your CPD to update and upskill your safeguarding knowledge. Guest speakers will explore how parental conflict can affect children; the NSPCC will share their very latest resources and tools as well as colleagues from NYSCP.
Where to view
The session can be viewed on the NYSCP YouTube channel which can be accessed here: Nyscp Early Years Masterclass October 2023 (youtube.com)

“The NYSCP Developments in Safeguarding Masterclass is a monthly free lunchtime webinar which features the latest information on best practice, changes to legislation and guidance as well as local, regional and national learning. Each month will feature different subject and delegates will hear from multi-agency partners dedicated to ensuring the safety and wellbeing of children and young people.
This description will be updated close to the event and more information is also available from https://www.safeguardingchildren.co.uk/training-north-yorkshire/training-courses/ “
Where to view
The session can be viewed on the NYSCP YouTube channel which can be accessed here: November 2023 NYSCP Masterclass – Harmful Sexual Behaviours, Drink Drive campaign & NYSCP updates (youtube.com)

NYSCP Developments in Safeguarding Masterclass Modern Slavery – December 2023
“The NYSCP Developments in Safeguarding Masterclass is a monthly free lunchtime webinar which features the latest information on best practice, changes to legislation and guidance as well as local, regional and national learning. Each month will feature different subject and delegates will hear from multi-agency partners dedicated to ensuring the safety and wellbeing of children and young people.
The session will be delivered by Angela Coleman from North Yorkshire Police and will share key information about Modern Slavery.
The session will cover information for both adults and children; with the following key topics:
Forms of Slavery & Exploitation
Control and Tactics of offenders
Vulnerabilities of victims
Indicators of exploitation
Barriers to victims disclosing
National Referral Mechanism.
Where to view:
The session can be viewed on the NYSCP YouTube channel which can be accessed here: December 2023 NYSCP Masterclass Modern Slavery (youtube.com)

Learning event Webinar recordings for 2022

Growing up in North Yorkshire Survey – This masterclass will provide key safeguarding data from the Growing up in North Yorkshire survey 2020 and the implications for professionals who work with children and young people. This webinar will help to increase awareness of children and young people in North Yorkshire behaviours in relation to a range of safeguarding issues from the Growing up in North Yorkshire survey 2020.

Click to watch

Our February Masterclass will incorporate a variety of subjects to appeal to all partners across North Yorkshire and will include:
School Safeguarding Audit – An overview of the findings from the School Safeguarding Audit 2020/2021, including lessons learned and what the NYSCP is doing following the audit.
Section 11 / Governance Audit Summary – An overview of the findings from Section 11/Governance Audit 2020/2021 and action being taken as a result of the audit.
New/Updated Policies and Procedures – Details of all the latest changes to NYSCP policies and procedures.
Changes to the NYSCP Website – Find out about the latest changes and improvements to your one stop resource for safeguarding information in North Yorkshire.
BeAware – Find out how we are developing the BeAware area of our website to include children, young people, parents and more to ensure everyone has access to information about child exploitation and what to do if you have a concern.
Day or Night Sleep Right Campaign – See how you and your organisation can get involved in our campaign to raise awareness of sleeping right for babies and reducing sudden and unexpected infant deaths.
HEAT Tool – Learn more about how the HEAT Tool has been designed to help practitioners identify those families where there may be early signs of neglect so that prompt action can be taken to address and support families to improve home conditions and safety for their children.
IDAS New CYP Services – Learn about the latest services from IDAS  to support the victims of domestic abuse.
Police Information Sharing Form Update – Find out how you can safely and directly share information with North Yorkshire Police.
BYINY and Threshold Guidance – Learn about the NYSCP priorities and threshold guidance for North Yorkshire.

Click to watch

The masterclass will give partners an overview of what child exploitation and contextual safeguarding look like across North Yorkshire, and what some of the themes and trends are that we are seeing for young people, especially those aged 10 -18. The masterclass will cover the following areas:
The picture of child exploitation across North Yorkshire, where and how young people are being exploited as well as helping partners understand how they can help identify signs and indicators of exploitation within their schools, communities, and local areas.
Emerging themes and trends around young people’s drug and other substance use
An overview of the impact of modern slavery and human trafficking for young people in North Yorkshire and the National Referral Mechanism.
Partnership Information Sharing – what should partners be sharing with the Police, how should they share the information and what happens to information they share?
Consideration of how we use language around children and parents/carers where children are at risk of or experiencing exploitation – how does our language shape professionals’ responses to child exploitation and what do professionals need to be cognisant of in their practice.

The masterclass is suitable for professionals working with Law Enforcement, Children and Family Services, Education (Primary, Secondary, Further, and Higher Ed), Drug and Alcohol Services, Youth Justice, Community and Youth Work, Health, CAMHS, Community Safety Partnerships, third and voluntary sector service providers. Furthermore, the masterclass will also be of value for those working or who have involvement with young people aged 10 – 18 who are embedded within our communities who may potentially see indicators of exploitation e.g. community/faith groups, outreach delivery workers, housing providers, etc.

Click to watch

The masterclass provides an introduction to the detrimental impact frequent, intense, and unresolved conflict has on children and young people’s development and outcomes
The Reducing Parental Conflict Masterclass supports practitioners and agencies working with families in building awareness and developing the confidence, knowledge and skills to work with parents to reduce conflict and improve outcomes for children.

Click to watch

To provide delegates with first-hand experience and information about Gypsy, Roma, and Traveller Communities.
Horton Housing involvement- How, When, Why
Culture/ Accommodation
Family Links/ Lifestyle
Access to Services- Social Care/ Police/ Mental Health
Health Inequalities

Click to watch

To provide information regarding child exploitation and the launch of the Be Aware knowledge hub and learn about the Professional Development programme
“The NYSCP Policy and Development Officer will introduce the launch of the new and updated Be Aware section of the NYSCP Website focusing on Child Exploitation. Building on the current extensive professionals section, she will launch the pages that have been specifically designed for parents, carers, and young people in North Yorkshire. The session will guide professionals through the resources and how professionals can use the sight with parents, carers, and young people they may be supporting to raise awareness of child exploitation, how to spot the signs, how to keep safe, and what to do if they are worried about a child being exploited.

The Group Manager, Early Help, and Senior Early Help Consultant from the Children and Families Service will discuss the Partnership Training Programme and seek the views of professionals regarding its future development.”

Click to watch

NYSCP Quickfire Safeguarding Updates
A lunchtime briefing aimed at multi-agency professionals to provide a topical safeguarding overview for you to digest and share with your teams.
Topics to be covered include:
– Developments in Safeguarding
– Learning from audits and reviews
– Other topical subject relevant at the point of delivery

Recording: https://youtu.be/DpfU2S3BtK4

This course aims to provide key information for Early Years Providers and childminders to safeguard children
The course will include:
– Sudden Unexpected Deaths in Infancy (SUDI)
– Statutory Framework – Safeguarding and Welfare of children
– Legal Duties
– Professional Curiosity and Making a Referral
– Managing Allegations Against Staff”

This masterclass is now available from our YouTube channel or by visiting https://youtu.be/OQyziyJY2_I

To raise awareness of safer recruitment and learning from NYSCP audit activities
To raise awareness of safer recruitment and Domestic Abuse


To provide updated information in development within the safeguarding of children arena for sharing within their teams.
Fire Awareness – My presentation will cover domestic fire safety and the fire risk factors which make someone more vulnerable to fire. I will also cover our new referral form and how it can be used to ensure the most vulnerable are prioritised in relation to fire risk and what we can further offer to ensure people are kept safe in their own home.
Regional Cyber Crime Unit exploring:
• Current Cyber threats and trends and mitigation advice
• Managing our digital footprint
• Cyber Prevent referral process
• A Case study example of a Cyber Prevent referral

Now available from our YouTube channel or by visiting https://youtu.be/qA5Q890-oQM

In this session you will hear from the Anastasyia Dzyakava, founder of #Stop_Texting Educational Project. This is a unique opportunity for partners to hear from a Ukrainian charity, discussing the challenges, vulnerabilities and what support is available to families, including those families living in the UK and other countries.
Anastasiya is the founder of the biggest in Ukraine educational project on child online safety #stop_sexting, author of the first in the region book for parents on children online safety, founder of Harvard Kennedy School women’s network. During the second round of the Russia conflict in the Ukraine (2022) she launched an educational project for teachers, parents, volunteers called “It is time to talk”. The project gives skills and support in leading peer-to-peer social and psychological mini-groups.
Anastasiya has worked in the Ukrainian where she led the field of combating child abuse and initiated reforms for child online safety. She has led a successful advocacy campaign on child sexual abuse materials watching/possession and grooming criminalization by the national law.


Resource Library

Find the latest forms, guidance, tools and documents to help you safeguard children in North Yorkshire by searching in our resource library


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31 Dec 2024

Multi-Agency Safeguarding Arrangements

Multi-Agency Safeguarding Arrangements Working Together to Safeguard Children 2023  is a multi-agency statutory guidance that sets out expectations for the...

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18 Dec 2024

Working Together Learning Event December 2023.

Working Together Learning Event December 2023. In December 2023 the partnership welcomed around 100 attendees to hear from our Statutory...

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04 Dec 2024

Child V – The importance of tailoring safe sleep messages to individual family circumstances, particularly where there are additional risk factors

Child V – The importance of tailoring safe sleep messages to individual family circumstances, particularly where there are additional risk...

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