NYSCP Parents and Carers - Training and Awareness - North Yorkshire

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Parents and Carers – Training and Awareness

Parents and Carers – Training and Awareness

Mental Health first Aid training (MHFA)

Mental Health first Aid training (MHFA) is a training program that teaches members of the public how to help a person developing a mental health problem, experiencing a worsening of an existing mental health problem or in a mental health crisis.

MHFA England Logo
MHFA England Logo

Like traditional first aid, Mental Health First Aid does not teach people to treat or diagnose mental health or substance use conditions. Instead, the training teaches people how to offer initial support until appropriate professional help is received or until the crisis resolves. While first aid for physical health crises is a familiar notion in developed countries, conventional first aid training has not generally incorporated mental health problems.

Visit: https://mhfaengland.org

Virtual College

Free online course helps parents discuss self-harm with their children.

Visit: www.virtual-college.co.uk/news/virtualcollege/2017/02/self-harm-course-launch

Safe Talk

Safe Talk
Safe Talk

SafeTALK is a half-day alertness training that prepares anyone 15 or older, regardless of prior experience or training, to become a suicide-alert helper. Most people with thoughts of suicide don’t truly want to die, but are struggling with the pain in their lives. Through their words and actions, they invite help to stay alive. safeTALK-trained helpers can recognize these invitations and take action by connecting them with life-saving intervention resources, such as caregivers trained in ASIST

Visit: https://www.prevent-suicide.org.uk/training-courses/safetalk-suicide-alertness

Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST)

Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST) is a two day interactive workshop in suicide first aid and more. ASIST teaches participants to recognise when someone may have thoughts of suicide and work with them to create a plan that will support their immediate safety. Although ASIST is widely used by healthcare providers, participants don’t need any formal training to attend the workshop – anyone 16 or older can learn and use the ASIST model.

Visit: www.prevent-suicide.org.uk/training-courses/asist-applied-suicide-interventions-skills-training

North Yorkshire Mental Health Hub

To access community based training in North Yorkshire visit:


The above link will include a range of providers delivering both free training and training that may incur a

Zero Suicide Alliance

The #TalkSuicide campaign has been created by the Humber, Coast and Vale Health and Care Partnership to get rid of the stigma around talking about suicide by raising awareness of free suicide prevention training available from the Zero Suicide Alliance.

The training takes 20 minutes and can help you to:

  • Identify the signs of when someone might be suffering from suicidal thoughts and behaviour.
  • Feel comfortable speaking out about suicide in a supportive manner.
  • Signpost anyone suffering to the correct services and support e.g. Samaritans call 116 123.

The Zero Suicide Alliance training takes 25 minute and is free e-learning.

Visit: www.talksuicide.co.uk

The ASK Workshop UK

The ASK Workshop is a suicide prevention workshop that specifically targets suicide risk in children (5-15). The Ask Workshops gives participants developmentally appropriate strategies and tools to identify young children at risk of suicide and quickly gather and organise key details needed to assess risk and inform safety planning.

Visit: askworkshop.org.uk


TalkSuicide is a suicide prevention campaign ran by the Humber, Coast and Vale Health and Care Partnership. For more information visit:

Pathway Introduction




Additional information for schools

Children and young people

Parents and Carers


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