NYC Elective Home Education (EHE)
The following one page guide provides professionals, parent and carers with information about the Elective Home Education service offered by North Yorkshire Council.
Our Role
- In North Yorkshire, we have Elective Home Education (EHE) Advisors who work with families who are considering home education & the schools they are on roll at. We will:
- Discuss why EHE is being considered
- Explore other options available to families
- Help overcome any issues which may have arisen in relation to school
- Ensure parents have all the relevant information available regarding home schooling so an informed decision can be made
- Introduce parents/carers to a named contact who they can get in touch with regarding any queries
- We aim to work with families who choose to electively home educate to ensure we are able to provide families with continuing support.
- We have a duty to ensure that children being home educated in North Yorkshire are receiving a full-time education which is suitable for their age, ability & aptitude. We take into account a number of overall factors when looking at the suitability of education which can be found on the EHE Local Offer Page Elective Home Education – Guidance for Parents and Carers | North Yorkshire Council
Our Skills
- Tailored Advice for schools. Working in partnership with schools our Elective Home Education Advisors offer advice to ensure policies and procedures are followed. This advice can begin before a child or young person is taken off roll. We strongly recommend schools and other professionals contact their locality EHE Advisor as soon as a parent is considering EHE so a pre-decision meeting can be arranged. NYC’s EHE Policy & Procedures can be found at: Elective Home Education | CYPSinfo (
- Education Provision Assessment. Working with schools, families and other agencies to ensure all home educated children and young people receive an appropriate education, which is full-time and suitable for their age, ability and aptitude with reference to any special educational needs they might have.
- Advice to Year 11s. Your EHE Advisor can support young people in understanding the next steps available for Post-16.
- Parental Support. EHE Advisors support parents to ensure a suitable education is provided; we can offer tips and resources to help you meet your child’s needs.
What is important to us?
- Children and young people accessing a suitable and engaging curriculum.
- Children, young people, and their families are at the centre of everything the EHE team do.
- Working closely with schools and other relevant professionals.
- Sharing information and communicating in a timely manner.
- Children and young people are happy and safe in their environment.
What do we need from others to do our best work?
- Positive engagement from families to ensure children and young people are being given the opportunity to learn effectively.
- Schools to implement the Ladder of Intervention to prevent placement breakdown and to ensure EHE is only considered as a positive choice & not as a last resort.
- Families to attend annual reviews to share the education that is in place & the progress made.
- SEN Casework Officers to invite EHE Advisors to EHCP reviews with parental consent to do so
- C&FW to work alongside EHE Advisors on cases open to them
- If appropriate, the EHE Team may recommend a referral to the SEND Hub for specialist support including Social, Emotional and Mental Health, Cognition and Learning, Communication and Interaction.