School Designated Safeguarding Leads Network Webinars
The NYSCP School Designated Safeguarding Leads Network Webinars are open to all North Yorkshire Schools in North Yorkshire. Morning and afternoon sessions are available every term – please only select AM or PM session.
The Designated Safeguarding Leads Network Webinars are also recorded and will be published on the NYSCP YouTube channel at
Academic Year 2024 – 2025
Termly updates from the North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Partnership for safeguarding children in schools.
To provide an update to Designated Safeguarding Leads in schools relating to the latest safeguarding practice and information.
A free recording of this course is now available on our YouTube channel:
Termly updates from the North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Partnership for safeguarding children in schools.
To provide an update to Designated Safeguarding Leads in schools relating to the latest safeguarding practice and information.
Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSL) and their deputies within all schools in North Yorkshire (i.e. maintained schools, academies, free, independent and private schools, pupil referral units and special schools). This session is focused on School DSL roles and is not suitable for other sectors/roles
Tuesday 4th March 2025. Please note content will be repeated at both sessions, you do not need to attend both sessions.
09:30 – 11:30
13:30 – 15:30
Virtual via Microsoft Teams
This course is free of charge
Termly updates from the North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Partnership for safeguarding children in schools.
To provide an update to Designated Safeguarding Leads in schools relating to the latest safeguarding practice and information.
Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSL) and their deputies within all schools in North Yorkshire (i.e. maintained schools, academies, free, independent and private schools, pupil referral units and special schools). This session is focused on School DSL roles and is not suitable for other sectors/roles
Tuesday 10th June 2025. Please note content will be repeated at both sessions, you do not need to attend both sessions.
09:30 – 11:30
13:30 – 15:30
Virtual via Microsoft Teams
This course is free of charge