Developments in Safeguarding Learning Session Webinars
Safeguarding Webinars for 2025
The NYSCP Developments in Safeguarding webinars are delivered as virtual events designed for those working or volunteering with children and young people in North Yorkshire.
Unless stated otherwise, webinars will take place on the first Wednesday of each month between 12:00 noon and 1:00 pm. Each session will cover a different theme.
If you are unable to attend a session, you can also view most sessions online via our YouTube channel or by visiting the Learning for Professionals page.
NYSCP Developments in Safeguarding, Online Learning Session – April 2025
To provide key safeguarding data from the Growing up in North Yorkshire Survey 2024 and the implications for professionals who work with children and young people
Delegates will gain enhanced knowledge of relevant issues, changes in legislation, practice and guidance as well as learn from audits and reviews
Booking Information
The course is subject to the NYSCP’s Cancellation and Charging Policy (see
Anyone working/volunteering with children young people & their families across North Yorkshire with the view to help you keep up to date with current developments surrounding safeguarding children
Date / Time
5 March 2025 – 12:00 to 13:00
Where to Book
NYSCP Developments in Safeguarding, Online Learning Session (Previously Masterclass) – March 2025 | NYES Info
NYSCP Developments in Safeguarding, Early Help Thresholds
This session will share with partners the new Harmful Sexual Behaviour Toolkit and explore the consultation and audit work that has been completed for its production. It will also guide partners around our new Harmful Sexual Behaviour toolkit to support practice in North Yorkshire.
Delegates will gain enhanced knowledge of relevant issues, and changes in legislation, practice and guidance as well as learn from audits and reviews.
Anyone working/volunteering with children young people & their families across North Yorkshire with the view to help you keep up to date with current developments surrounding safeguarding children
Date / Time
2 April 2025 – 12:00 to 13:00
Where to Book
NYSCP Developments in Safeguarding, Online Learning Session (Previously Masterclass) – May 2025 | NYES Info
NYSCP Developments in Safeguarding, Early Years Learning Session
The NYSCP Early Years Masterclass is a biannual evening webinar which features the latest information on best practices, changes to legislation and guidance as well as local, regional and national learning.
Delegates will gain enhanced knowledge of relevant issues, changes in legislation, practice and guidance as well as learning from audits and reviews.
This course is open to anyone working/volunteering with children young people and their families in early years providers and childminders across North Yorkshire
Date / Time
23 April 2025 – 19:00 – 21:00
Where to Book
NYSCP Developments in Safeguarding, Early Years Learning Session (Previously Masterclass) | NYES Info
NYSCP Developments in Safeguarding, Online Learning Session – April 2025
Being Young in North Yorkshire is the foundation of our work for all children and their families living in North Yorkshire.
This session will launch the updated Being Young in North Yorkshire Strategy. It will look at the consultation work that has been completed to compile the strategy and explore in depth the strategic priorities and the implications for the work we do with children and families across North Yorkshire.
Delegates will gain enhanced knowledge in relevant issues, changes in legislation, practice and guidance as well as learn from audits and reviews
Booking Information
The course is subject to the NYSCP’s Cancellation and Charging Policy (see
Anyone working/volunteering with children young people & their families across North Yorkshire with the view to help you keep up to date with current developments surrounding safeguarding children
Date / Time
7 May 2025 – 12:00 to 13:00
Where to Book
NYSCP Developments in Safeguarding, Online Learning Session (Previously Masterclass) – April 2025 | NYES Info
NYSCP Developments in Safeguarding
Sergeant Ben Hallewell from Counter-Terrorism Policing North-East, who is the lead for Prevent in North Yorkshire, presents the Counter Terrorism local profile (CTLP). Ben will provide a brief on the local and national threat. He will also provide an overview of local trends, signs to watch out for and will run through a case-study from a recent North Yorkshire case.
Delegates will gain enhanced knowledge of relevant issues, changes in legislation, practice and guidance as well as learning from audits and reviews.
Anyone working/volunteering with children young people & their families across North Yorkshire with the view to help you keep up to date with current developments surrounding safeguarding children
Date / Time
4 June 2025 – 12:00 to 13:00
Please note: Due to the sensitive information discussed in the presentation, a recording will not be available.
Where to Book
NYSCP Developments in Safeguarding, Online Learning Session (Previously Masterclass) – June 2025 | NYES Info
NYSCP Developments in Safeguarding
The NYSCP Developments in Safeguarding Masterclass is a monthly free lunchtime webinar which features the latest information on best practice, changes to legislation and guidance as well as local, regional and national learning. Each month will feature different subject and delegates will hear from multi-agency partners dedicated to ensuring the safety and wellbeing of children and young people.
SPARK Suicide Prevention Awareness, Resource, Knowledge. An introduction to PAPYRUS and suicide prevention.
The key objectives are:
To increase awareness of suicide and suicide prevention
To provide information about PAPYRUS Prevention of Young Suicide
To develop Hope and encourage action for a suicide-safer community
To understand the importance of self-care.
Anyone working/volunteering with children young people & their families across North Yorkshire with the view to help you keep up to date with current developments surrounding safeguarding children
Date / Time
2 July 2025 12:00 to 13:00
Where to book
NYSCP Developments in Safeguarding, Online Learning Session (Previously Masterclass) – July 2025 | NYES Info
NYSCP Developments in Safeguarding
This learning event will review some of the key learning themes from recent NYSCP audits and safeguarding practice reviews and implications for practice across North Yorkshire. There will be a particular focus on the importance of information sharing and accurate record keeping.
Delegates will gain enhanced knowledge of relevant issues, changes in legislation, practice and guidance as well as learning from audits and reviews.
Anyone working/volunteering with children young people & their families across North Yorkshire with the view to help you keep up to date with current developments surrounding safeguarding children
Date / Time
3 September 2025 – 12:00 to 13:00
Where to Book
NYSCP Developments in Safeguarding, Online Learning Session (Previously Masterclass) – September 2025 | NYES Info
NYSCP Developments in Safeguarding
This learning event will focus on the importance of the voice of the child and explore tools and resources looking at how we can accurately capture that voice. There will be a particular focus on capturing the ‘voice’ of a child who is non-verbal and for children and young people who may not be ready or able to share their voice with professionals.
Delegates will gain enhanced knowledge in relevant issues, changes in legislation, practice and guidance as well as learn from audits and reviews.
Anyone working/volunteering with children young people & their families across North Yorkshire with the view to help you keep up to date with current developments surrounding safeguarding children
Date / Time
1 October 2025 – 12:00 – 13:00
Where to Book
NYSCP Developments in Safeguarding, Online Learning Session (Previously Masterclass) – October 2025 | NYES Info
NYSCP Developments in Safeguarding, Early Years Learning Session
The NYSCP Early Years Masterclass is a biannual evening webinar which features the latest information on best practices, changes to legislation and guidance as well as local, regional and national learning.
Delegates will gain enhanced knowledge in relevant issues, changes in legislation, practice and guidance as well as learning from audits and reviews.
This course is open to anyone Anyone working/volunteering with children young people and their families in early years providers and childminders across North Yorkshire
Date and time
8 October 2025, 19:00 – 21:00
Booking Information
Where to book:
NYSCP Developments in Safeguarding, Early Years Learning Session (Previously Masterclass) | NYES Info
NYSCP Developments in Safeguarding Webinar
The NYSCP Developments in Safeguarding Masterclass is a monthly free lunchtime webinar which features the latest information on best practice, changes to legislation and guidance as well as local, regional and national learning. Each month will feature different subject and delegates will hear from multi-agency partners dedicated to ensuring the safety and wellbeing of children and young people.
Anyone working/volunteering with children young people and their families across North Yorkshire with the view to help you keep up to date with current developments surrounding safeguarding children
Date / Time
5 November 2025 – 12:00 to 13:00
Where to Book
NYSCP Developments in Safeguarding, Online Learning Session (Previously Masterclass) – November 2025 | NYES Info
NYSCP Developments in Safeguarding Webinar
This learning session will focus on the value of sharing intelligence in North Yorkshire. It will explore the process of how you share intelligence and why it is so important. It will also cover some frequently asked questions about intelligence sharing and myth-busting.
Delegates will gain enhanced knowledge of relevant issues, changes in legislation, practice, and guidance as well as learn from audits and reviews
Anyone working/volunteering with children young people and their families across North Yorkshire with the view to help you keep up to date with current developments surrounding safeguarding children
Date / Time
3 December 2025 – 12:00 to 13:00
Where to Book
If there are any webinars that you would like the partnership to cover as part of our ongoing schedule please contact us via the email.
Learning event Webinar recordings for 2025
This workshop presented a summary of findings from insights work into young people and vaping conducted by the Behavioural Science team based within North Yorkshire Public Health. A series of focus groups were conducted in the first half of 2024 with groups of young people aged 11-16. The insights from the focus groups highlight the young people’s views and understanding of vaping, in addition to the factors that may influence young people to vape or not. A series of recommendations have been collated that look at how these findings can be utilised moving forward.
Please note a recording of this session is not available. Slides of the session can be accessed here
Learning event Webinar recordings for 2024
NYSCP Developments in Safeguarding Webinar – Learning from LADO cases
Partners will understand the role of the LADO and the processes they use as well a learning from recent cases.
NYSCP Developments in Safeguarding Masterclass February 2024 (
The launch of the new North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Partnership Multi-Agency Child Exploitation and Contextual Safeguarding Strategy
To coincide with Child Exploitation Awareness Day on 18th March, North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Partnership are proud to launch their new Multi-Agency Child Exploitation and Contextual Safeguarding Strategy.
The session will share an outline of work that has been completed and successes of the 2020-2023 strategy.
Highlight consultation work that has taken place to develop the new strategy
Share information on the Tackling Child Exploitation Practice Principles.
Share the new strategy and give partners a chance to reflect in the strategic priorities and what it means for their practice.
A recording of the session is available here: NYSCP Safeguarding Masterclass. MACE & Contextual Safeguarding Strategy Launch (
**please note this was delivered as part of a full learning week looking at child exploitation: to access the recordings and resources click here – NYSCP (
NYSCP Developments in Safeguarding Webinar
The #AskMe…. Have a Conversation is a campaign aimed at professionals across North Yorkshire to encourage them to have conversations with new and expectant parents about how they are feeling about a number of aspects of having and caring for a baby. The key messages are derived from a series of common things that are often a concern to new parents and have been developed in conjunction with the learning identified from our recently commissioned thematic review identifying learning from three similar cases of non-accidental injury to non-mobile infants.
The campaign is not designed to replace any of the work already undertaken through NYSCP including the work around SUDI, ICON, or the resources accessible through the Lullaby Trust. It aims to raise awareness among frontline practitioners of the need to ask parents how they are feeling around aspects of caring for their baby in those crucial first few months of life. The campaign recognises that the arrival of a new baby is a big life-changing event, and it can be hard for new parents to share with professionals that they are struggling. It is therefore crucial that frontline practitioners have the confidence to explore with new and expectant parents how they are feeling and how they are coping with these changes.
The session will include a presentation by two designated Safeguarding nurses highlighting learning from a recent thematic review to open the learning event and outline why the campaign is so important. Partners have the opportunity to view campaign materials and resources that are collated to support the campaign.
A recording of the presentation can be accessed here: NYSCP Safeguarding Masterclass – April 2024 #AskMe Masterclass (
To celebrate Volunteers Week which takes place 1-7th June every year, NYSCP is proud to welcome partners from the Voluntary, Community, and Social Enterprise (VCSE) sector. The webinar will highlight the important role that volunteers and those who work in the VSE community hold in the partnership and in the safeguarding of young people across North Yorkshire. The session will also be the launch of a new and exciting campaign; highlighting key safeguarding messages for those in the VCSE community and beyond.
The NYSCP Developments in Safeguarding Webinar is a monthly free lunchtime learning event which features the latest information on best practice, changes to legislation and guidance as well as local, regional and national learning. Each month will feature different subject and delegates will hear from multi-agency partners dedicated to ensuring the safety and wellbeing of children and young people.
This description will be updated close to the event and more information is also available from
A recording of the presentation can be accessed here: NYSCP Masterclass June 2024 Voluntary Sector – YouTube
NYSCP Developments in Safeguarding Webinar
The session will be lead by the NYSCP business unit and will provide partners with the opportunity to hear developments in relation to learning from audits, thematic reviews and serious case reviews.
Delegates will gain enhanced knowledge in relevant issues, changes in legislation, practice and guidance as well as learning from audits and reviews
Where to Watch
NYSCP Developments in Safeguarding Webinar
This workshop will present a summary of findings from insights work into young people and vaping conducted by the Behavioural Science team based within North Yorkshire Public Health. A series of focus groups were conducted in the first half of 2024 with groups of young people aged 11-16. The insights from the focus groups highlight the young people’s views and understanding of vaping, in addition to the factors that may influence young people to vape or not. A series of recommendations have been collated that look at how to these findings can be utilised moving forward.
Delegates will gain enhanced knowledge in relevant issues, changes in legislation, practice and guidance as well as learning from audits and reviews
Where to Book
This webinar has was unable to run and will now be held in the new year. You can book your place here:
NYSCP Developments in Safeguarding Learning Session (Previously Masterclass) – Vaping Workshop | NYES Info
NYSCP Developments in Safeguarding Learning Session – Early Years
The NYSCP Early Years Masterclass is a biannual evening webinar which features the latest information on best practice, changes to legislation and guidance as well as local, regional and national learning.
Delegates will gain enhanced knowledge in relevant issues, changes in legislation, practice and guidance as well as learning from audits and reviews.
Where to watch
NYSCP Developments in Safeguarding Webinar
The NYSCP Developments in Safeguarding Masterclass is a monthly free lunchtime webinar which features the latest information on best practices, changes to legislation and guidance as well as local, regional and national learning. Each month will feature different subjects and delegates will hear from multi-agency partners dedicated to ensuring the safety and wellbeing of children and young people.
Delegates will gain enhanced knowledge in relevant issues, changes in legislation, practice, and guidance as well as learning from audits and reviews
Where to watch
NYSCP partnership overview of the changes to Working Together to Safeguard Children and what it means for practice. Partnership updates from: Children and Families Service North Yorkshire Police North Yorkshire ICB Education Voluntary Sector.
The recording can be accessed here: NYSCP Learning Event Working Together to Safeguard Children December 2024
Learning event Webinar recordings for 2023
Drink Drug Hub
North Yorkshire Horizons has created a website packed with videos, guides, workbooks, and tools from across the web to help anyone affected by drink and drugs – including young people and those who help them. Called Drink Drug Hub, this new website can be used by workers of all disciplines, young people themselves, as well as their family members.
The session will introduce the new website, provide a demonstration of its key features, and will include a short presentation exploring how many children use drugs, the drugs they use, the associated risks, and the pitfalls professionals face when trying to support young people who use drink and drugs.
Where to view this presentation
This presentation is available from our YouTube Channel or from
Sexual Abuse Referral Centre (SARC)
Paediatric Sexual Abuse Referral Centre (SARC) – What is a SARC?
The session will focus on the service’s pathways in cases for both pediatric acute and non-recent sexual abuse. In addition, focus on the importance and facilities available for children and young people who have disclosed non-recent sexual abuse and the support that can be provided at the SARC. Many professionals when they think of SARC and the service offered, think of forensics and the evidential aspect, however, the service is so much more than that. The SARC focuses on the holistic approach to a child or young person who has been sexually assaulted or abused and the physical, mental, and emotional aspects of that, it is not always about the forensics!
Where to view this presentation
This presentation is available from our YouTube Channel or from
Growing up in North Yorkshire Survey Results
To provide key safeguarding data from the Growing up in North Yorkshire Survey 2020 and the implications for professionals who work with children and young people
Key headline safeguarding data from all key phases of education and data for the more vulnerable young people in North Yorkshire
Where to view this presentation
This presentation is available from our YouTube Channel or from
NYSCP Developments in Safeguarding Masterclass – Early Years Masterclass
“The NYSCP Developments in Safeguarding Masterclass is a monthly free lunchtime webinar which features the lates information on best practice, changes to legislation and guidance as well as local, regional and national learning. Each month will feature different subject and delegates will hear from multi-agency partners dedicated to ensuring the safety and wellbeing of children and young people.
Where to view this presentation
This conference has now taken place. To see recordings of sessions and access presentations and other resources please visit or Learning for professionals page or watch the recording at
NYSCP Developments in Safeguarding Masterclass – June 2023
This session will outline the multi-agency Learning Themes Audit process and explore learning from the audits undertaken by the NYSCP, including:
– Multi-Agency Response to Children who have Repeat Child Protection Plans
– Multi-Agency Response to Children who are living with Autistic Spectrum Disorder
– Multi-Agency Response to Children Experiencing Neglect
Where to view this presentation
This session is available to watch on our YouTube Channel at
The purpose of this session is to share information about support and the services available in North Yorkshire for children and young
people’s social and emotional mental health (SEMH), with guidance on how to access them using the Mini Marketplace and the Needs
Based Guidance for SEMH resources.
Delegates will gain enhanced knowledge in relevant issues, changes in legislation, practice and guidance as well as learning from audits and reviews
This session is available to watch on our YouTube Channel at
The aim of the session is to share the screening process with professionals once a referral has been made. The session will look at the models used to consider concerns raised in a referral and will consider legislation and thresholds for intervention. Participants will have the opportunity to take part in a mock Group Screening and will be able to think about how screening delivers the right support at the right time for families.
Delegates will gain enhanced knowledge in how to improve referrals.
This presentation can be viewed on the NYSCP’s YouTube channel here:
NYSCP Developments in Safeguarding Masterclass – October 2023
Healthy relationships between parents/carers are an important focus for all Practitioners who work with children and families. The quality of the relationship between parents/carers, specifically how they communicate and relate to each other, has a significant influence on effective parenting and children’s outcomes. The New Stronger Relationships – Parental Conflict Masterclass for Practitioners consists of a snapshot of why discussing conflict and relationships within work with our families is so important, there will be a mixture of theory and practice which will focus on the impact that frequent intense and poorly resolved conflict has on children ad young people.
Where to view
Download the slides from the masterclass at
Details of the parental course:
NYSCP Developments in Safeguarding Masterclass – Early Years Masterclass – October 2023
Join the third Early Years NYSCP Masterclass on Wednesday, October 25th at 1900 – 2100 hrs.
The FREE masterclass is held on Teams so all staff working with early children can attend. Join as a whole team or as an individual as part of your CPD to update and upskill your safeguarding knowledge. Guest speakers will explore how parental conflict can affect children; the NSPCC will share their very latest resources and tools as well as colleagues from NYSCP.
Where to view
The session can be viewed on the NYSCP YouTube channel which can be accessed here: Nyscp Early Years Masterclass October 2023 (
“The NYSCP Developments in Safeguarding Masterclass is a monthly free lunchtime webinar which features the latest information on best practice, changes to legislation and guidance as well as local, regional and national learning. Each month will feature different subject and delegates will hear from multi-agency partners dedicated to ensuring the safety and wellbeing of children and young people.
This description will be updated close to the event and more information is also available from “
Where to view
The session can be viewed on the NYSCP YouTube channel which can be accessed here: November 2023 NYSCP Masterclass – Harmful Sexual Behaviours, Drink Drive campaign & NYSCP updates (
NYSCP Developments in Safeguarding Masterclass Modern Slavery – December 2023
“The NYSCP Developments in Safeguarding Masterclass is a monthly free lunchtime webinar which features the latest information on best practice, changes to legislation and guidance as well as local, regional and national learning. Each month will feature different subject and delegates will hear from multi-agency partners dedicated to ensuring the safety and wellbeing of children and young people.
The session will be delivered by Angela Coleman from North Yorkshire Police and will share key information about Modern Slavery.
The session will cover information for both adults and children; with the following key topics:
Forms of Slavery & Exploitation
Control and Tactics of offenders
Vulnerabilities of victims
Indicators of exploitation
Barriers to victims disclosing
National Referral Mechanism.
Where to view:
The session can be viewed on the NYSCP YouTube channel which can be accessed here: December 2023 NYSCP Masterclass Modern Slavery (