NYSCP Training Courses, Webinars and Events - North Yorkshire

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Training Courses, Webinars and Events

Training Courses, Webinars and Events

The following courses are available from the NYSCP and it’s partners. Depending on the nature of your organisation and course you select, training may be free or provided at cost, for more information please see the individual course details when booking. For most courses you will need to register for a free NYES account (for more information see https://nyes.info/Enquiry/SignUp).

This session looks at Adverse Childhood Experiences and how they impact on a child’s well-being and life chances
This session looks at research into Adverse Childhood Experiences and goes on to identify how we can counterbalance damage by increasing positive experiences and building resilience. This course is delivered by Early Help Consultants, NYC
The presentation will outline why it is important that we are able to recognise ACES and how schools, parents and communities can play integral roles in identification and counterbalancing. We look at toxic stress and the affect that it can have on the child’s developing brain, as well as how to reduce the damage done and support children in our care. The 5 Pillars of Resilience is used to reframe our thinking and provides us with ideas and examples of how we can teach our children to be resilient.
By the end of this session participants will have an understanding of Adverse Childhood Experiences and how to build resilience in children they are working with.
Course Type
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When children and teens are resilient, they are going to be more confident, curious and adaptable to the world around them.
Emotional resilience is about having the ability to overcome negative circumstances and adversity in life, handling emotions and remaining healthy and competent, having coping mechanisms and being able to bounce back to deal with whatever life brings. This doesn’t mean that if/when we find it difficult to pick ourselves up we have a lack of emotional resilience, but simply that it has been tested to the point at which coming back takes longer. For children, it is about bouncing back from challenges they may experience in life: from problem solving in their play and using different tools, to moving home, starting school, bereavement, or family break up. The building of resilience helps children deal with the here and now, but also develop skills and habits that will help them deal with challenges throughout their life.
This session will look at ways that schools and other agencies can help develop resilience in order to promote mental wellbeing, healthy relationships, academic performance and school attendance.
The course will also look at the key role parents have to play in building resilience in children and ways that agencies might support them in doing so.

By attending this sessions participants will have an understanding of the importance of building resilience in children and will have explored methods of achieving this.
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Charge: Free
This course covers the different components of the Joint Agency Response into a child’s death and subsequent child death review process.
This course covers the different components of the Joint Agency Response in response to a child death, the role and responsibilities of different professionals and provides the skills to explain to families the purpose of the process.
This course explains the statutory purpose of the Child Death Overview Panel. This includes the different components of the Joint Agency Response in to a child death and subsequent child death review. It touches on the role of the key worker and the Coroner and informs professionals on how best to support to bereaved families. In addition, professionals will be provided with an overview of the National Child Mortality Team and local data.
Available to all multi-agency professionals across North Yorkshire and York who work directly or indirectly with children and families.
Course Type: Virtually (Online)   
4th February 2025, 10:00 – 11:00
15th May 2025, 10:00 – 11:00
16th September 2025, 14:00 – 15:00
13th November 2025, 10:00 – 11:00

Compass Phoenix is an emotional wellbeing and mental health service for children and young people aged 9-19. This session provides an overview of what the service offers and how it can be accessed.
This course will be delivered by Lisa Gale – Service Manager, Compass Phoenix
This session provides details of;-
·         One-to-one or group work support for young people
·         Free emotional wellbeing and mental health training for schools and colleges.
·         Professional consultation for colleagues working in education settings, providing advice, guidance, resources and signposting.
·         BUZZ US a confidential text messaging service for young people aged 11-18.
Delegates will have a better understanding of the range of support services Compass Phoenix can offer.
Everyone in North Yorkshire working with children and young people.
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Compass Phoenix offer a programme of training promoting a range of early help and prevention strategies that
can support the Whole School Approach with a focus on emotional wellbeing and mental health. All our training is
FREE to schools and colleges across North Yorkshire.
We also offer a number of short 30-minute webinar sessions on a range of emotional wellbeing and metal health
Click on the link to register for any of the Compass Phoenix free training:
View Compass Phoenix Training Webinars – Compass (compass-uk.org)

Contextual Safeguarding is an approach to understanding, and responding to, young people’s experiences of significant harm beyond their families.  The session will look at what is meant by contextual safeguarding, consider sources of extra-familial harm including child sexual exploitation (CSE) and child criminal exploitation (CCE) plus explore practical steps that can be taken to keep children and young people safe.
This course is delivered by Jon Coates – Senior Early Help Consultant, NYC
This session is aimed at education settings in line with Keeping Children Safe in Education.  All staff, but especially the Designated Safeguarding Lead (or Deputy), should be considering the context within which incidents and/or behaviours of concern occur.  This is known as contextual safeguarding, which simply means assessments of children should consider whether wider environmental factors are present in a child’s life that are a threat to their safety and/or welfare.
Delegates with have an increased awareness of the importance of contextual safeguarding, the nature of extra-familial harm and of practical steps to take to keep children and young people safe.
Everyone working with children and young people, including those working in community based organisations.
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This course is delivered by the Yorkshire and Humber Cyber Crime Unit and is aimed at anyone working with young people or adults.
Cybercrime is an attractive choice for some, with potentially large returns and young people can be particularly vulnerable targets.
This course will be provide an introduction to Cyber Protect, an insight into Cyber Crime and an understanding of National Cyber Security Advice on how to stay safe online. Also there will be an introduction into Cyber Prevent, the referral process, Cyber Choices and resources available.
Delegates will receive an introduction to cyber crime and gain advice on how to stay safe online.
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This session will help you explore how to start rebuilding relationships to work towards positive engagement and outlines a plan that can be used to prepare for a difficult conversation, including a method that may be used to deal with an angry/upset parent.
The session explores the key elements for undertaking a difficult conversation successfully. It looks at how our personal bias (Social Graces) influence our thinking and interactions, which by recognising this, makes us fairer and more effective in our practice. It also outlines a 10 step plan that can be used to prepare for a difficult conversation and suggests a method that can be used to deal with an angry/upset parent.
By the end of this session participants will have an understanding of how to prepare for and handle difficult conversations.
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This session offers an overview of the local situation regarding young people’s drug and alcohol use, practical up-to-date information on the most commonly used drugs, information on the legal, health and social risks of substance misuse, plus details of where to get further information. This course is delivered by Cheryl Parker – Substance Misuse Officer, Youth Justice Service.
This session will look at current drug trends amongst young people in North Yorkshire and will look in detail at the effects and potential risks of some of the more commonly used substances including cannabis, cocaine, amphetamines and ketamine. We will also look at other risks associated with substance misuse, including the legal implications and criminal exploitation, as well as considering approaches to harm reduction.
Delegates will have an increased awareness of current drug trends in North Yorkshire, the effects and risks associated with common drugs and how to promote harm reduction.
All professionals in North Yorkshire working with young people.
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A catalogue of Domestic Abuse training.
Full Programmes available below
North Yorkshire and City of York Training – IDAS Online Training Courses
A wide range of course topics please see below link for full schedule:
North Yorkshire and City of York Training – IDAS Online Training Courses
Specific to professionals working within the North Yorkshire and City of York areas.
Course Type
Online Virtual – limited places and it is therefore important that you only register for a course if you intend to attend. If you are unable to attend your course for any reason, you must unregister so someone else can take your place. IDAS will report repeat incidents of non-attendance to your direct report.
Time, Duration and Dates can be viewed on the schedule below
North Yorkshire and City of York Training – IDAS Online Training Courses

Virtual classroom training looking at the impact of Domestic abuse on children & young people.
This training focuses on the impact on children who live in a family where domestic abuse is present, giving delegates opportunities to reflect on values, beliefs & practice when working with these children & families. Includes updates for DSLs & Deputies.
To identify the indicators of domestic abuse; Be able to reflect on own values & beliefs in relation to professional responses to domestic abuse; Build an awareness of the links between grooming and domestic abuse, including grooming of workers; Explore the impact of domestic abuse on parents as victims of their children; Start to explore peer on peer domestic abuse of young people in relationships; Have a clear understanding of the impact of domestic abuse on men and boys as victims.
This course is for anyone working with children who are living with domestic abuse. It can be used as refresher training for Designated Safeguarding Leads and their Deputies.
Date, Time and Booking:
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Guidance for all Early Years providers to understand and implement the Early Help Strategy. It will explain how this can also improve the outcomes for the children in your setting. This course will be delivered by Rachel Yeadon – Senior Early Help Consultant, NYC.
These sessions include all of the advice and guidance an Early Years Provider needs to identify, plan and implement support which children and their families require when they ask for your help, or you have concerns. Delivered in a fun, interactive way, the sessions will provide attendees with confidence to implement the Early Help strategy and explain how it can support your service delivery and outcomes for the children in your care.
As a result of attending delegates will have confidence to implement the Early Help strategy and to use Early Help Assessments to ensure children in their care get the right help, at the right time by the right person.
All professionals and volunteers in North Yorkshire working with children under five.
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Are you concerned about a child in your care? Identify what support the child and the family might need by using the Early Help Assessment tool to explore what’s going on for them and how to help their situation. This course will be delivered by Liz Power.
This session will help you understand how the Signs of Safety approach can be used to identify the needs of children and their families. It will give you the background of EHA/TAFs, who should complete them and when. We will discuss the importance of capturing the voice of the child as part of the process.
Delegates will have a greater understanding of the Early Help Assessment/TAF process and how to use the assessment to help support children and families.
All professionals in North Yorkshire working with children and young people
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Virtual Classroom training to clarify the referrals process for Early Help and Child Protection thresholds.
Provides delegates with an understanding of what makes a good referral, Early Help Assessments and understanding of MAST.
Develop knowledge of the processes involved in making child protection referrals and the role of Early Help & MAST in safeguarding children.
Date, Time and booking: Global Search | NYES Info
30th January 2025
12th February 2025
18th March 2025
See NYES Website for more information
Where to Book

It can be very confusing trying to make sense of thresholds, when and how to refer, trying to understand what the presenting behaviours mean, identifying what support is needed and knowing who is out there to help. These sessions provide an overview in a logical, considered and relevant way for your job role. This course will be delivered by Rachel Yeadon – Senior Early Help Consultant, NYC.
These sessions include all of the advice and guidance a pastoral worker needs to identify, plan and implement support which children and their families require when they ask for your help, or you have concerns. Delivered in a fun, interactive way, the sessions will provide attendees with confidence to implement the Early Help Strategy and explain how it can support your service delivery and outcomes for the children in your school.
Pastoral staff will have a greater understanding of Early Help, Early Help Assessments and how to identify the support needed plus implementing support plans and referrals as needed.
All pastoral staff in North Yorkshire schools working with children and young people.
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Staff from +Choices, Foundation’s domestic abuse perpetrator programme (DAPP), will deliver this session. Find out more about the short-term and long-term effects of domestic abuse on children and adolescents, young people’s relationships, and best practice for dealing with domestic abuse disclosure.
Although most people know about domestic abuse, less attention is given to Child and Adolescent to Parent Violence and Abuse (CAPVA). This makes it very difficult for parents to work out whether their child’s behaviour is abusive or just part of normal development
This training course will provide practitioners with an increased understanding of the causes, effects and risks associated with CAPVA, to enable them to identify CAPVA in families and understand the current referral pathways into help.
By attending this session, participants will have a greater understanding of how domestic abuse can impact children and adolescents. You will be more confident in understanding how to discuss domestic abuse with parents/guardians, and where to refer victims, perpetrators, and children for support.
Everyone in North Yorkshire working with children and young people.
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Head First is North Yorkshire’s Mental Health Training Hub, a resource that has been developed to provide information on mental health, suicide prevention and training in and across the County.
Through North Yorkshire Public Health Team funding, a range of services are offered to those living, working and volunteering in North Yorkshire.
Qualified, experienced trainers in all districts of the County will deliver the following courses:
·        Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) Youth and Adult courses
·        ASIST training courses
·        SafeTalk Training courses
·        ASIST train the trainer courses
·        SafeTalk train the trainer courses
·        Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) train the trainer courses
*And many more including Suicide First Aid (SFA) and Assessing for Suicide in Kids (ASK) Workshops.
If you are an individual seeking information about courses that will help you manage your own well-being, an organisation seeking ‘train the trainer’ courses for your in-house tutors, a voluntary and community sector organisation or charity looking at training for your employees and volunteers or a training provider and would like to promote your services please visit Head First or contact Amber at Amber.Graver@northyorks.gov.uk.                    

Virtual classroom training which will examine child development and how abuse and neglect may impact on this.
Who is it for
This course is for anyone working with children and young people. It can be used as refresher training for Designated Safeguarding Leads and their Deputies.
To explore what is meant by child development in the context of safeguarding. To look at how abuse and neglect impacts on child development and how we may recognise this.
To have a basic awareness of child development within the Early Years Foundation Stage and other models of child development; look at how abuse and neglect will impact on development of children of all ages; recognise signs of abuse and neglect; explore working practices to safeguard children.
Date, Time and Booking:
Check NYES for upcoming dates NYES Info

Charge: Free
To provide knowledge of the procedures and practice for dealing with allegations against staff and safer working practice.
To provide knowledge of the procedures and practice for dealing with allegations against staff and safer working practice.
To provide knowledge of the procedures and practice for dealing with allegations against staff and safer working practice.
Booking Information
The course is subject to the NYSCP’s Cancellation and Charging Policy (see http://www.safeguardingchildren.co.uk/learning-improvement/cancellation-charging-policy)
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For some children conflict between their parents is part of everyday life and more often than not, parents are not aware of the impact this may have.  This session will look at the impact parental conflict can have on a child’s emotional well-being, their education, behaviour and future life prospects.  Healthy relationships between parents/carers are an important focus for all practitioners who work with children and families. The quality of the relationship, specifically how they communicate and relate to each other, has a significant influence on effective parenting and children’s outcomes.                                 
This course will be delivered by James Urquhart – Early Help Consultant, NYC
The session will define parental conflict and will discuss its impact on children.  Work, finances and household chores are just a few of the competing elements that can cause tensions to rise, disagreements to escalate and arguing to become commonplace.  This session is all about how professionals can recognise and understand the impact of parental conflict on a child’s well-being and how to support families to make positive changes.
Delegates will have a greater understanding of the impact of parental conflict on a child’s life and will be aware of approaches and tools to help support children and families.
Everyone working in North Yorkshire with children and young people
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Virtual classroom training that focusses on how to recognise when children are at risk of being harmed and how to safeguard them appropriately. Also includes updates for DSLs & Deputies
This training will equip delegates with the knowledge & skills to enhance their ability to understand & respond to issues concerning safeguarding children. Also includes updates for DSLs & Deputies.
Increase understanding of legislation & guidance for safeguarding children; types & indicators of abuse; peer pressure & exploitation; perpetrators behaviour; responsibilities to record, report & share information. Includes updates for DSLs & Deputies.
Safeguarding information for anyone working with children & young people. Can be used as refresher training for Designated Safeguarding Leads & their Deputies.
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SENDIASS is an arm’s length and impartial service for parents, carers and young people 0-25 years with SEND. This session aims to enhance your knowledge of SEND processes and the right to education.  Find out more about our free impartial service and how we can help the families and young people you work with. The session will also look at ways to enhance your working practice when supporting families and young people with SEND once they are post 16.    
This course is delivered by Melanie Leighton – SENDIASS North Yorkshire Manager.
This session from SENDIASS will look at laws supporting children and young people in their right to education within SEN support.  We will also be discussing when an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP) may need to be considered
Participants will have a greater understanding of the SENDIASS service and SEND processes
Everyone working with families and young people with SEND.
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Sexual Health services available to Young people, professionals and key stakeholders.

These sessions explore how young people are able to gain information and access to free and confidential sexual health and contraceptive advice and treatment as well as the Advice, Education, training and support available to carers, professionals and key stakeholders, for those who are primarily working with YP, their families, carers and professionals.
Navigating the health care system can be incredibly challenging for young people,
Finding easily accessible information about who offers what, who will maintain confidentiality, how to gain access to good quality care and advice can be confusing, frustrating and frightening.
In this session we aim to support HCP working with YP and their families
These two sessions will cover what services and options are available to young people, their family/carers, and professionals. We will use a range of scenarios to enable the audience to consider how YP, carers etc can gain the level of support and advice they need in throughout a range of different situations.
We will cover:
YP Walk-in provision.
Under 18’s mobile phone service
How to book and appt
Specialist Community and clinical Outreach services
What to do if the YP has experienced a Sexual Assault
How to access advice around Emergency contraception and provision of EHC and the emergency Coil
Sexual Health Counselling
Condom distribution
Chlamydial testing
Pregnancy choices and TOP services
U 16’s accessing services, myths, and confidentiality and consent
By attending these sessions participants will have an understanding of how to support and signpost YP and their carers in being able to make informed choices about how to access free and confidential sexual health and contraceptive advice and treatment including all of the areas mentioned above.
Participants will also gain awareness of training and resources available to them around topics such as sexual health awareness and condom distribution. Contraceptive choices and LARC training.
All professionals in North Yorkshire working with children and young people.
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Provides delegates with an understanding of the Child Protection Pathway including strategy meetings, core groups and child protection conferences. 
Who is it for
Virtual classroom training for those new to the role of DSL and Deputy working with children, young people and families who have never attended a child protection conference and have now been invited.
What will I learn?
Develop knowledge of responsibilities with child protection processes, thresholds and effective participation: report writing and attendance; recognition of “significant harm”.
Course Type
Virtual classroom
Time and Duration
9.30am – 14:30
17th January 2025 (online)
25th February 2025 (online)
5th March 2025 (online)
See NYES Website for more information
Where to Book

This training was developed in partnership with MIND the mental health charity. It is based on extensive research that most people with thought of suicide can be directed towards safety.

Delegates will gain the skills to identify those at risk and bring their thoughts of suicide out into the open.
Underpinning the process is an understanding that the helper can fall back on an emergency response if required. The key response is a safety net, allowing the helper to focus on the person, listen and assess needs without a feeling of panic.
By the end of the course, you will have learned:
The purpose of SALT – Suicide Prevention
SALT stands for the four stages of undertaking a suicide intervention; spotting the signs, asking about suicide, listening to the person and then turning them towards hope.
All delegates will receive an electronic copy of the SALT resource book following completion of the training.
Booking Information
Please ensure that it is the DELEGATE information that is booked in order that the instructions for the course or any pre-course information is then available for the delegate.
Date and Time:
8th January 2025 09:30 – 16:30 -County Hall Northallerton

This Mini Marketplace session will provide an overview of the different provision available to support children and young people’s social & emotional mental health.  Delegates will develop an understanding of the services and support provision available in North Yorkshire, including information on how to access this.                     
This course will be delivered by Lorna Galdas – Children and Young People Commissioning Manager, NHS North Yorkshire CCG.
The purpose of this session is to share information about support and services available for children and young people’s social & emotional mental health (SEMH) in North Yorkshire, with guidance on how to access them using the Mini Marketplace and the Needs Based Guidance for SEMH resources. The session will also provide delegates with some general tools to help support children and young people’s social and emotional mental health.
As a result of attending delegates should have an understanding of the different provision available to support children and young people’s social & emotional mental health and how to access that support.
Everyone in North Yorkshire working with children and young people.
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An overview of life for children within Armed Forces families, with an opportunity to discuss the challenges that Service children might face and how you can help.              
North Yorkshire has a high proportion of Service children and these children often face a number of challenges in their lives including higher than average transitions and parents being away from the family home for extended periods of time. These challenges have been shown to impact Service children’s well-being and long term outcomes in comparison to their non-service peers. For example the Growing Up in North Yorkshire survey revealed that 44% of Service pupils had a low measure of resilience compared to 38% of their peers. The purpose of this training session is to give you a brief insight into Armed Forces life, to discuss the issues and challenges Service children and their families might face and how best to support them.
Delegates will have a better understanding of the complex situation Service children sometimes live with.
All professionals and volunteers in North Yorkshire working with Service children & young people.
Dates & times
22nd February 2025 16:15 – 17:15 (online) Supporting Service Children in Schools | NYES Info

Virtual classroom training looking at the issues children face with exploitation and how they can be supported. Includes updates for DSLs & Deputies
Safeguarding training which explores the issues around Child Exploitation – what is it and what can we do to protect children? Includes updates for DSLs & Deputies
Identify Exploitation: Sexual, Modern Day Slavery, Trafficking, Criminal, including County Lines & Contextual Safeguarding with victims & perpetrators. Risk management and disruption tactics when working with children. Includes updates for DSLs & Deputies
Dates, Times and Booking:
5th February 2025 09:30 – 15:00 (online) NYC Tackling Exploitation of Children & Young People | NYES Info

Virtual classroom training looking at the impact of parental mental ill health; substance misuse and domestic abuse in families. Includes updates for DSLs and Deputies
Who is it for
This virtual classroom course is for anyone working with children whose parents experience substance misuse, domestic abuse or mental ill health. Can be used as refresher training for DSLs and their Deputies.
What will I learn?
Examine how the issues of parental substance misuse; mental ill health and domestic abuse can impact on parenting; awareness of the challenges involved; increase knowledge to safeguard children and young people; updates for DSLs and Deputies
Course Type
Virtual Classroom
Time and Duration
3 hours
22nd January 2025 13:00 – 16:00 (online) NYC Trilogy of Risk | NYES Info

Virtual classroom training looking at a range of risky behaviours and the links to adolescent development. Includes updates for DSLs & Deputies
Training exploring young people exhibiting risky behaviours, including self-harm, substance misuse, unsafe relationships, gangs & radicalisation. Looking at tools to support work with young people. Includes updates for DSLs & Deputies.
Awareness of safeguarding issues relevant to young people; recognise signs & symptoms of self-harm; substance misuse; unsafe relationships; sexual practice; gangs & groups; radicalisation. Tools to support working with young people at risk. Includes updates for DSLs & Deputies.
Dates time and booking:
Global Search | NYES Info
30th January 2025 09:30 – 14:30 (online)

These sessions explore how decisions are made in relation to the NY Safeguarding Children Partnership Threshold Guide & different agencies perspectives, to provide the right support at the right time. How do we know as professionals when to be concerned about a child? Find out more about the different threshold levels and what steps to put in place when you have concerns.            
These sessions explore how decisions are made in relation to the NY Safeguarding Children Partnership Threshold Guide and different agencies perspectives on situations. How do we know as professionals when to be concerned and what steps are needed? These sessions will explore how our life experiences, culture and social context all impact on our individual beliefs, routines, expectations and bias in relation to safe uncertainty.
By attending these sessions participants will have an understanding of thresholds and how our experiences and expectations influence our views with regard to safe uncertainty. You will gain confidence in your ability to navigate concerns you may have about a child, so that any uncertainties are safely managed and appropriate support is put in place at the right time by the right person.
All professionals in North Yorkshire working with children and young people.
Check NYES for upcoming dates NYES Info

A series of unlocking Autism online modules, this sessions builds on autism awareness and focuses on how to recognise and support autistic children and young people.
Girls & Autism – One of the unlocking Autism online modules, this session builds on autism awareness and focuses on how to recognise and support autistic girls.
PDA – One of the Unlocking Autism online modules, this session builds on autism awareness and focuses on how to recognise and support pupils with Pathological Demand Avoidance
Identity – One of the unlocking Autism online modules exploring Autism and Identity. The course will develop understanding of; Masking, Gender & Sexuality, Social and self identity.
Selective Mutism – One of the Unlocking Autism online modules, this session will focus on developing understanding and exploring the key areas of; Definition, Diagnosis, Management & Intervention and Useful resources
To increase awareness of; the prevalence of autism within the female population, why girls needs are not always recognised and the diagnostic barriers experienced, how to support autistic girls in relation to the four areas of difference & more gender specific challenges.
To increase awareness of Pathological Demand Avoidance, discussing current research and guidance. The key areas of history, diagnosis / identification, characteristics of a PDA profile, supportive strategies & relevant resources will be explored.
Identity – A course that introduces the audience to the current thinking around Autism and identity. The following key themes will be explored; Gender & sexuality, masking, impact on intervention, language & social identity theory.
Selective Mutism – The course will focus on; developing understanding and recognition of Selective Mutism, supporting practitioners with the skills to work collaboratively and make relevant referrals, delivery of interventions and signposting of further resources
12 March 2025 11:00 – 12:30
Booking Information
To book visit:
Unlocking Autism Plus modules for Education professionals – Pathological Demand Avoidance | NYES Info 12 March 2025 9:15 – 10:45
Unlocking Autism Plus modules for Education professionals – Girls | NYES Info 12 March 2025 11:00 – 12:30
Unlocking Autism Plus modules for Education professionals – Identity | NYES Info 12 March 2025 13:00 – 14:30
Unlocking Autism Plus modules for Education professionals – Selective Mutism | NYES Info 12 March 2025 – 14:45 – 16:15
Unlocking Autism Plus Modules for Parents & Carers – Girls | NYES Info 11 June 2025 11:00 – 12:30
Unlocking Autism Plus Modules for Parents & Carers – PDA | NYES Info 11 June 2025 9:15 – 10:45
Unlocking Autism Plus Modules for Parents & Carers – Identity | NYES Info 11 June 2025 13:00 – 14:30
Unlocking Autism Plus Modules for Parents & Carers – Selective Mutism | NYES Info 11 June 2025 14:45 – 16:15

The two day programme includes five sessions covering Understanding Autism, Behaviour, Communication, Sensory differences and Resilience, providing practical tools and strategies to support children and young people.
Children do not need to have a diagnosis of autism in order for parents to attend.
Parents need to be able to attend both days.
Tea & Coffee will be available, delegates will need to bring their own lunch .
Limited free parking is available at the back of the venue
Day 1
: 05/02/2025 | 09:45 – 15:45
Title: Unlocking Autism for Parents & Carers – Day 1
Venue: The Golden Lion – 114, High Street, Northallerton, NORTH YORKSHIRE, United Kingdom, DL7 8PP – Please report to reception upon arrival
Trainer: Ellie Richards, C and I Specialist Teacher
Day 2: 06/02/2025 | 09:45 – 15:45
Title: Unlocking Autism for Parents & Carers – Day 2
Venue: The Golden Lion – 114, High Street, Northallerton, NORTH YORKSHIRE, United Kingdom, DL7 8PP – Please report to reception upon arrival
Trainer: Alison Smith, C&I Specialist Teacher
Unlocking Autism for Parents & Carers 2 Day Course | NYES Info 2 days, 5 – 6 February 2025 09:45 – 15:45


Resource Library

Find the latest forms, guidance, tools and documents to help you safeguard children in North Yorkshire by searching in our resource library


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