Consultation Line
Who can use the Consultation Line?
The Consultation Line is available to ALL professionals working in North Yorkshire.
When should I use the consultation line?
The Consultation Line should be used when you have concerns about a child safeguarding situation and have spoken to your Designated Safeguarding Lead, and unsure how to proceed on the next steps. The concerns should be of a higher threshold than of what can be supported by Early Help.

What will happen when I call?
You will be asked for your details including name, professional and best contact number. You will also be asked for the details of the child/ren and family so we can establish whether they are already being offered support from Children and Families Service and if there is existing support in place you will be transferred to the allocated worker. Should there not be any current support in place and you still require advice about making a referral, the conversation will not be recorded on North Yorkshire Council systems. There is however a professional expectation that advice given will be followed and appropriately recorded within your own records. Should you be advised that you need to make a safeguarding referral then you will be transferred through to the Customer Contact Centre for this referral to be made.
The consultation line does not replace existing safeguarding processes.
The conversation held within the consultation line does not replace the role of your Designated Safeguarding Lead and should only be used if you feel you require further exploration around next steps on scenarios that you feel are above the threshold of Early Help. If you have identified a safeguarding risk to a child, you are still required to submit a Universal Safeguarding Referral Form as the consultation line does not replace existing safeguarding processes or Early Help Consultants. Early Help Consultants are an invaluable source of support and should be contacted to provide you with support, advice on welfare issues and Early Help assessment/work.
Where can I go for more information?
To assist professionals in understanding thresholds and which agency is best to contact for advice and support, please refer to threshold guidance NYSCP (
For further information on how to submit a universal referral and what happens after a referral is made, please access information NYSCP (
Consultation Line: 01609 535070
Page Reviewed: 13 November 2024