NYSCP North Yorkshire and York Drug Alert Escalation Process - North Yorkshire

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North Yorkshire and York Drug Alert Escalation Process

North Yorkshire and York Drug Alert Escalation Process

The Drug Alert Protocol is implemented to reduce harm or death related to drugs. The protocol enables us to assess and communicate known and/or potential risks from:

  • purity/contamination of illicit drug supplies in circulation
  • new psychoactive substances, also known as NPS or legal highs
  • diverted prescribed medications
  • drugs recently seized by North Yorkshire Police
  • health protection alerts related to substance use

Please complete the Drug Alert submission form below to let our panel know about drug harms that meet the above criteria. The panel will assess your submission and decide whether to take action to reduce harms.

North Yorkshire and York Drug Alert Submission Form (office.com)

Professionals should also report intelligence to the Police via the Community Partnership Intelligence Form.

Community partnership intelligence | North Yorkshire Police

Who should I contact if I have a safeguarding concern?

If you have a safeguarding concern about

Everyone has a responsibility to refer a child when it is believed or suspected that a child:

  • Has suffered significant harm and /or;
  • Is likely to suffer significant harm and/or;
  • Has developmental and welfare needs which are likely only to be met through provision of family support services (with agreement of the child’s parent).

Where there are significant immediate concerns about the safety of a child, you should contact the police on 999. If your query is not urgent please use the email address social.care@northyorks.gov.uk to liaise with the Customer Service Centre and you will receive a response within 24 hours.

For further information please visit:

Raising a Safeguarding Adult Concern:

For information on how to raise a concern please visit:


Last updated: 5 June 2024
Next review: 5 June 2026


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