NYSCP Learning for Professionals - North Yorkshire

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Learning for Professionals

Learning for Professionals

Part of the role of North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Partnership is to carry out reviews of individual cases, undertake multi-agency audits, and provides briefings on specific safeguarding issues. It is important that this is captured and vital that it is then shared with professionals who work with children and young people to improve practice when it comes to keeping children safe, happy, healthy and achieving.

We encourage partners to explore the learning and take the opportunity to share among teams and reflect on what the outcomes mean for how they work with children, young people and families across North Yorkshire.

Under each review or audit you will find a list of bullet points, highlighting the safeguarding themes the learning covers in order to assist you in finding the learning that is most relevant to your role.

Learning Reviews

This thematic review was commissioned by the NYSCP Executive to identify learning from three similar cases of non-accidental injury to non-mobile infants. All three of the cases considered were the subject of Rapid Reviews which included recommendations for practice which were taken forward by the Partnership.

The Executive summary can be found HERE.

The NYSCP campaign #AskMe was developed as an outcome of the review. The campaign is aimed at professionals across North Yorkshire to encourage them to have conversations with new and expectant parents about how they are feeling about a number of aspects of having and caring for a baby. The campaign can be accessed here: NYSCP (safeguardingchildren.co.uk)

Themes Explored
Non-accidental injury in non-mobile infants       
Parental mental ill health
Parental Adverse Childhood Experiences
Infant crying (ICON)

Safeguarding Practice Reviews

Sometimes a child suffers a serious injury or death as a result of abuse or neglect. Understanding not only what happened but also why it happened can help improve our response in the future.

The purpose of serious child safeguarding case reviews, at local and national level, is to identify improvements that can be made to safeguard and promote the welfare of children. They should seek to prevent or reduce the risk of recurrence of similar incidents. They are not conducted to hold individuals, organisations, or agencies to account. Sharing from the learning of these reviews is vital for all practitioners to reflect on to ensure practice is continually evolving in the best interest of children, young people and families.

To find out more about the Safeguarding Practice Review Group you can access the One Minute Guide here: NYSCP (safeguardingchildren.co.uk)

91316-Child-R-7-Point-Briefing-FINAL-1.pdf (safeguardingchildren.co.uk)
Themes Explored:
Non-accidental injury in non-mobile infants ·
Parental Adverse Childhood Experiences
Working with Fathers

The SAR executive summary report in respect of ‘James’ can be viewed here https://safeguardingadults.co.uk/sar-james
Themes Explored:
Mental Health
Transitional safeguarding
Substance misuse
Self harm and Suicide ideation

Multi-Agency Learning Themed Audits

North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Partnership conducts a series of multi-agency learning-themed audits throughout the year. Each audit explores a different safeguarding theme and the multi-agency responses to it. The partnership business unit collates and shares the audit findings. These include highlighting good practice, areas for development, actions, next steps, and further resources.

To find out more about Audits visit the One Minute Guide here: NYSCP (safeguardingchildren.co.uk)

The audit focused on the circumstances which had led to the child/young person being recognised as at risk of exploitation and included a focus on the last six months of activity relating to the child/young person. A summary of the learning can be accessed here: Multi-Agency-Response-to-Child-Exploitation-7-Point-Briefing-19.1-March-2024-004.pdf (safeguardingchildren.co.uk)
Themes Explored:
Child Exploitation
Professional Curiosity
The Voice of the Child
Multi-Agency Working and Information Sharing

This audit explored the multi agency responses to four children who were impacted by Domestic Abuse. A summary of the learning can be found here: 91252-7-Point-Briefing-Domestic-Abuse.pdf (safeguardingchildren.co.uk)
Themes Explored:
Domestic Abuse
Multi-Agency Working and Information Sharing
The Voice of the Child
Professional Curiosity

This audit explored the multi agency responses to children who had repeated child protection plans. A summary of the learning can be accessed here: 87615-NYSCP-7-Point-Briefing-Repeat-Child-Protection-Plans.pdf (safeguardingchildren.co.uk)
Themes Explored:
Child Protection
Professional Curiosity
Multi-Agency Working and Information Sharing

The Audit examined four children who were referred for safeguarding concerns to North Yorkshire Council between September 2020 and August 2021 who were identified as having Autistic Spectrum Disorder. A summary of the learning can be accessed here: 87399-Autistic-Spectrum-disorder-7-point-briefing.pdf (safeguardingchildren.co.uk)
Themes Explored:
Autistic Spectrum Disorder
Professional Curiosity
Hidden Harm
Multi-Agency Working and Information Sharing
Working with Fathers

The Audit examined four children who were referred for safeguarding concerns to North Yorkshire Council between September 2020 and January 2021.A summary of the learning can be accessed here: 87617-NYSCP-7-Point-Briefing-Children-Experiencing-Neglect.pdf (safeguardingchildren.co.uk)
Themes Explored:
Parental Substance Misuse
Voice of the Child
Dental Hygiene

Section 11 Audit

Section 11 of the Children Act 2004 places duties on a range of organisations and individuals to ensure their functions and any services that they contract out to others, are discharged having regard to the need to safeguard and promote the welfare of children.
One of the roles of the North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Partnership (NYSCP) and North Yorkshire Safeguarding Adult Board (NYSAB) is to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of safeguarding arrangements and to advise organisations on ways to improve. All organisations are therefore asked to complete a biannual self-assessment audit to provide evidence of how they comply with Section 11 when carrying out their day-to-day business.

A summary of the findings from the 2023-24 audit can be accessed here: https://www.safeguardingchildren.co.uk/Resources/section-11-audit-2023-24/

The next section 11 audit will be due to commence in 2025.

Child Protection in England:

Following the murder of Arthur Labinjo-Hugh and Start Hobson in 2020 and the release of the Child Protection in England document, NYSCP collated a briefing aiming to summarise the key learning points and recommendations. It is also a collated summary of key resources and training that partners can access in relation to learning points and recommendations that were highlighted in the review. This was also shared in a partnership learning event in June 2023.
This can all be accessed on the webpage here: NYSCP (safeguardingchildren.co.uk)
A Seven Point Briefing was also produced which can be accessed here: NYSCP – Child Protection In England 7PB (safeguardingchildren.co.uk)
Themes Covered:
Child abuse – non-accidental injuries in children
Professional Curiosity and Managing Different Professional Perspectives
Information Sharing
Domestic Abuse
Parental Mental Ill Health

Training and Learning:

A wide range of training and learning is available on the partnership Training page these include:

These sessions are delivered in a virtual format and are designed for anyone working/volunteering with children young people and their families across North Yorkshire with the view to help you keep up to date with current developments surrounding safeguarding children

Additional NYSCP Webinars

NYSCP Webinar: Working With Men Conference

North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Partnership (NYSCP) held an online conference to explore how across the multi-agency workforce can build on the good practice, identify ways to improve the engagement and voice of men and provide information and resources to enhance this area of work.
Speakers included:

Brid Featherstone, University of Huddersfield – Brid Featherstone is a Professor of Social Work at the University of Huddersfield.  She has a long-standing interest in social care, social work and the engagement of men and has researched this area in a variety of settings.  She is currently working with Research in Practice on updating their research and practice tools for engaging men.
Owen Thomas, is the Operational Manager at Working with Men supervising Working with Men’s team of Fathers development workers across London. Owen has over ten years of direct experience as a father development worker working closely with professionals, agencies, fathers and male carers at crucial stages of their lives.
Key findings, Recommendations and the Challenges to us as local safeguarding
partners were explored from the “The Myth of Invisible Men’ Thematic review from the National Child Safeguarding Practice Review.

The webinar is aimed at anyone who works or volunteers with children, young people and families in North Yorkshire.

To view the webinar click on the YouTube link below:

NYSCP Webinar: Launch of the NYSCP Threshold Guide

North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Partnership (NYSCP) held three webinars to launch the new NYSCP Threshold Guide. This guide will ensure families get the right help, at the right time by the right person. The webinar covered the following areas:

Launch of the framework for decision-making: Threshold guide
-Re-visiting the NYSCP Early Help Strategy
-What does a good referral look like?
-The Local Protocol – What happens when a case comes into the statutory services?
-Launch of the Solihull Parenting Programme

The webinars are aimed at anyone who works or volunteers with children, young people and families in North Yorkshire.

To view the webinar for the Threshold Guidance launch event click the link below:

Framework for decision-making: Right help, at the right time by the right person

NYSCP Podcasts

NYSCP podcasts are conversations with safeguarding partners on key topics, a great resource to listen to in the car.

Further resources

To find out more about about particular safeguarding topic you can accesses a wide variety of resources across our website including:

Updated 13 November 2024


Resource Library

Find the latest forms, guidance, tools and documents to help you safeguard children in North Yorkshire by searching in our resource library


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