NYSCP Forms and Tools - North Yorkshire

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Forms and Tools

Forms and Tools

Forms for Professionals

Please select the forms you wish to access by clicking on the relevant drop down menu:

Where appropriate a notification should be sent to the Local Authority Designated Officer using the LADO Notification Form, giving as much detail as possible.

Completed LADO Notification Forms should be emailed using secure mail (e.g.  gov, pnn, cjsm, nhs.net, etc.) to lado@northyorks.gov.uk. If you do not have secure email address please contact 01609 533080:

LADO Notification Form

In light of the recent Lucy Letby verdict, it is important to reiterate that it is everyone’s responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and young people.

All organisations working with children should have policies and procedures in place to safeguard children, including a Whistleblowing policy; this explains how individuals can report any wrongdoing or malpractice that affects others in their workplace, including inappropriate behaviour that could cause harm to a child or young person.

A Whistleblowing policy also acts to protect employees/ volunteers from any unfair treatment or retaliation for raising their concerns. It is important that you are familiar with your own organisation’s Whistleblowing policy and understand your responsibilities within it.
You should always report any concerns to the safeguarding lead within your organisation who will then decide whether a LADO notification is required.   However, if you feel unable to raise an issue, or feel that your genuine concerns are not being addressed, other whistleblowing channels are available to you, including contacting the LADO directly.



Should you wish to make a referral for a child, young person and their family to access further support, North Yorkshire Multi-Agency Screening Team (MAST) request that you use the below Universal Referral Form to ensure that all relevant information is provided to ensure that the referral can be progressed as effectively as possible and allocated to most appropriate service:

Universal Referral Form

Referrals to the National Referral Mechanism (NRM) should be for all potential victims of trafficking and modern slavery, who can be of any nationality, and may include British national children, such as those trafficked for child sexual exploitation or those trafficked as drug carriers internally in the UK.

Modern slavery, including child trafficking, is child abuse. When an agency comes into contact with a child who may have been exploited or trafficked, Local Authority Children’s Services and the police should be notified immediately. A referral into the NRM does not replace or supersede established child protection processes, which should continue in tandem. The NRM form has been replaced by a new digital referral form, which is accessible by clicking below:

NRM Form

NRM Guide

A joint Child Death Overview Panel (CDOP) is in place for both North Yorkshire and York Safeguarding Partnerships.

Professionals who become aware of a child death are encouraged to contact the Child Death Review Officer:
T: 01609 797167

Notification should be made using the online Child Death Notification form:

Child Death Notification – Online Form

Should it not be possible to complete a notification online, the Word Doc version should be completed and returned to cdop@northyorks.gov.uk This is the latest form which has been updated nationally due to the outbreak of coronavirus (COVID-19)

Child Death Notification – Word Doc Form

This form is designed to provide North Yorkshire Police with information where professionals have concerns or knowledge about a particular incident that they feel would be of benefit for the police to aware of but do not require an immediate or emergency response:

NYSCP (safeguardingchildren.co.uk)

Agency reports for Initial Child Protection Conferences (ICPCs) and Review Child Protection Conferences (RCPCs).

It is essential that these reports are shared with the parents well before the conference to ensure that the family are prepared the meeting.  You may wish to do this at the last Core Group before the Child Protection Conference and then give a verbal update to the Conference to outline any subsequent information.

All reports should be made available to the Chair two working days before the ICPC and five working days before a RCPC:

ICPC Agency Report Template

RCPC Agency Report Template

CPC Report for Medical Practitioners

An Early Help Assessment should be completed when a child, young person, parent/carer or professional is worried that the needs of a child are not being met. An Early Help Assessment can be completed when a professional has consent from the young person and/or their family, when a professional has concerns about the progress or wellbeing of a child, when the needs are wider than your service can address on your own:

Early Help Assessment

To be completed whenever a child is Looked After by another Local Authority and placed within North Yorkshire.
Download the Out of Area Looked After Children Placement Form

Forms relating to the NYSCP Fabricated and Induced Illness Practice Guidance.

Fabricated and Induced Illness Chronology

Health and Education Rehabilitation Plan Template

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Listed below are tools and guides services in North Yorkshire can use to help support the work they are carrying out with children and families.

To access a tool, click on the drop down menu.

This tool is to be used when when considering how likely and with what severity an adult’s mental ill health will impact on a child. It involves the practitioner thinking about the nature of risk and also the protective factors for the child so it includes the practitioner’s professional judgement.

To download a copy of the tool, click on the image below:

It isn’t just parents who get frustrated at a baby’s cry. Think very carefully about who
you ask to look after your baby. Share the ICON message with anyone who may look after your baby. Check that caregivers understand about how to cope with crying before deciding who to leave their baby with and share information on ICON with them.

To download a copy of the ICON Leaflet, click on the image below:

More information on ICON and similar resources can be found here: NYSCP (safeguardingchildren.co.uk)

NYSCP Home Environment Assessment Tool (HEAT) and practitioner guidance supports practitioners in identifying risks within the family home where actions can taken to address those risks to improve home conditions and safety for children.

To access the HEAT and practitioner guidance, download them below:


HEAT Guidance:

The Marie Collins Foundation in partnership with the National Working Group have developed a resources to support professionals with regards to how to respond when it is discovered that a child has been harmed online.

To access the guide click below:

Children sharing experience of sexual abuse (CSA), sexual violence and sexual
harassment need to be responded to sensitively. Often it has taken the
victim/survivor a lot of courage to share what has happened to them, and they can be
concerned about how others will react.
To access the guide click below:

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Resource Library

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