NYSCP October 2023 e:bulletin - North Yorkshire

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October 2023 e:bulletin

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Welcome to the NYSCP October 2023 edition of our e-bulletin

Welcome to the October edition of the North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Partnership’s E-Bulletin. With the darker evenings and cooler weather, it feels like Autumn is well and truly upon us.

This month sees us focus of the bulletin on two key awareness raising campaigns. The first is Anti-Slavery Day on October 18th, which provides us with an opportunity to raise awareness of human trafficking and modern slavery. The day encourages government, local authorities, companies, charities and individuals to do what they can to address the problem. As a partnership tackling child modern slavery and human trafficking is a key strand which sits in our Child Exploitation and Contextual Safeguarding Strategy.

We are also highlighting Hate Crime Awareness week (14th -21st October)

Modern slavery is a crime in which people are treated as commodities and exploited for criminal gain, it encompasses slavery, servitude, forced and compulsory labour and human trafficking. Trafficking is the movement/transportation of a person for the purposes of exploitation. The distance of this movement is irrelevant (e.g., from one house to another).

There may be some who feel that modern slavery is not something that happens in North Yorkshire, as it is mainly portrayed in the media as an issue for large cities or for victims who are transported from different countries.

It is estimated that there are over 100,000 of victims across the UK and it is important to recognise that modern slavery and human trafficking is happening in North Yorkshire as well. Often it is well hidden in remote locations across the large geographical area.

Throughout the bulletin we will share with you, key information, training and resources linked to modern slavery, as well as some further safeguarding updates later in the bulletin.

We are also raising awareness of Hate Crime awareness Week (14th – 21st October). Find out more about the campaign later in the bulletin.

Don’t forget if you are ‘on the go’ our e-bulletin is also available as short vodcast and podcast version.

As always, we want to hear from you. If there is something you would like us to cover, or focus on as part of our bulletin please get in touch with us via nyscp@northyorks.gov.uk

Kathryn Morrison

Policy and Development Officer (Multi Agency Child Exploitation)

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Do your PART
National Help Crime Awareness week
Supporting victims
Gender and exploitation
First Responders webinar
Hope for Justice Training
NYSCP Modern Slavery Masterclass
Children’s Society #LookCloser Programme of Learning (September -December 2023)
NYSCP Schools DSL conference: 26th October 2023
Modern Slavery Partnership group: Modern Slavery Podcasts
#Lookcloser resources
Disrupting Exploitation resource
Stop Hate UK – young people resources
Intelligence Sharing

Each month we will be encouraging partners to “do your PART” by embracing one practice or research theme from our website.

Of course, for this month’s bulletin we are encouraging partners to learn more about Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking. Our BeAware knowledge Hub contains a wealth of information and resources to raise awareness of the issue, including One Minute Guides and our Modern Slavery Toolkit. For children Modern slavery and Trafficking can take many forms, but it is a common feature in Organised Crime Groups when children will be exploited to carry out crime such as drug dealing as part of county lines.  

It’s important to familiarise yourself with the indicators that a child may be a victim, these can include:

  • Behaviour atypical of a child of corresponding age e.g., overly sexualised
  • Change in behaviour i.e., becomes withdrawn
  • Unclear relationship between child and any accompanying adult
  • Frequent “missing” incidents
  • Possession of money/gifts that cannot be adequately accounted for
  • Rarely leaves the house, has no freedom of movement and no time for playing

This is not an exhaustive list, further details can be found in the Modern Slavery Toolkit or though Hope for Justice “spot the signs” resources: Resources – Spot the Signs | Hope for Justice

Any agency or organisation that suspects a child may be a victim or at risk of modern slavery or human trafficking has a duty to make an immediate safeguarding referral to Children and Families Service and make a report to North Yorkshire Police (to notify them that a potential crime has been committed).

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National Help Crime Awareness week

Events & Campaigns | North Yorkshire Partnerships (nypartnerships.org.uk)

The countywide Inclusive Communities Joint Coordinating Group, will utilise this week, Monday 16th October – Friday 20th October to,

  • Raise awareness on hate crime, with a particular focus on disability
  • Build trust in our services and confidence to report hate crime, whilst also promoting a diverse and inclusive workforce and community.
  • Promote support services available to those who may suffer incidents of Hate Crime in North Yorkshire and the City of York

This is supported by the Safeguarding Adults Boards, Safeguarding Children Partnerships and Community Safety Partnerships across York and North Yorkshire. 

Representatives from a number of organisations/partnerships have met to build on previous years successful campaigns in finalising proposals and plans for a coordinated social media campaign that makes use of and signposts to, existing resources. As part of this #HelpNotHateNY has been developed for use during Hate Crime Awareness Week 2023. Throughout the week there will be a number of online webinars for professionals and also local engagement events across the county (see above link for details).

What is hate crime:

Any criminal offence committed against a person or property that is motivated by an offender’s hatred of someone because of their:

  • Race, colour, nationality or national origins
  • Religion
  • Gender or gender identity
  • Sexual orientation
  • Disability’

The person targeted does not have to hold any of these characteristics: the offender just has to perceive or believe that they Hate crime can take many forms: from violent attacks and assaults to ‘everyday’ name calling and harassment.

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Supporting victims

Supporting Victims – for when you have been a victim of crime or think you may have been.

They can provide support for anyone affected by crime, whether reported or not, including victims, bereaved relatives, parents or guardians of victims under 18 and members of staff where a business has been a victim of crime.
We can provide a range of practical and emotional support but if necessary, we can also help you access support provided by other organisations.

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Gender and exploitation:

The Children’s Society’s Prevention Programme offers unique localized insight into the challenges facing children and young people in relation to exploitation. 

As part of Anti-Slavery Day on the 18th October I am happy to announce that a learning session will be hosted by the North Prevention Officer on behalf of the York and North Yorkshire Modern Slavery Partnership. The session will examine the types of exploitation which young people may experience and offer some information on spotting the signs. It will then focus specifically on the gendered assumptions often made about exploitation and offer an insight into the criminal exploitation of girls and the sexual exploitation of boys, as well as touching on the existing lack of knowledge around the exploitation of gender diverse young people. 

To register for this session please click onto the link below:

Gender Exploitation Tickets, Wed 18 Oct 2023 at 09:30 | Eventbrite

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First Responders webinar

Human Trafficking Foundation are holding a free webinar for all First Responders to increase the understanding of the NRM decision-making process and strengthen NRM referral. You can register for this training via the link: The National Referral Mechanism: Webinar for First Responders Tickets, Thu 19 Oct 2023 at 10:00 | Eventbrite

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Hope for Justice Training

As we head into our third year running the NRM pilot, we have once again partnered with Hope for Justice to run training sessions to colleagues and first responders.

We are hosting the below sessions this year:

  • Tuesday (9.30-13.00) 31st October 2023 – Modern Slavery Awareness (accredited 3 CPD points)
  • Thursday (9.30-13.00) 2nd November 2023 – Modern Slavery Awareness (accredited 3 CPD points)
  • Wednesday (9.30-13.00) 8th November 2023 – Modern Slavery Awareness (accredited 3 CPD points)
  • Tuesday (9.30-13.00) 14th November 2023 – Disclosure Encounter (accredited 3 CPD points)
  • Wednesday (9.30-13.00) 22nd November 2023 – Trauma Informed Case Reporting (accredited 3 CPD points)

*These times include a 30-minute break

Attendance on 14th and 22nd November is open to those who successfully complete one Modern Slavery Awareness session (including those who attended an MSA session last year) and are tailored to those who are working directly with children.

The Modern Slavery Awareness session is delivered by a Hope for Justice trainer who is a content specialist. It is suitable for professionals who may work in or support organisations; businesses or agencies who may identify potential victims of modern slavery.

The learning outcomes are

  • To know what modern slavery is, outlines the different types that exist;
  • Identify how to recognise the signs and indicators of the different types of modern slavery;
  • Respond appropriately if a victim of modern slavery is identified.

During the session, national trends, a recent case study and signposting ways to respond are included. It is an interactive session.

Hope for Justice is a charity working to bring an end to modern slavery and human trafficking, and to protect the human rights of victims and survivors. Our multi-disciplinary model is based on four pillars: preventing exploitation; rescuing victims; restoring lives; and reforming society.

Founded in the UK in 2008, Hope for Justice is now an international charity working across the world. We help victims and survivors directly and also bring about long-term change through our work with governments, law enforcement, the business community and the general public. 

The training will be held on MS Teams and the link will be accessed through the Hope for Justice Learning Academy. Delegates will need to allocate time to finish the pre-evaluation so they can access the session and successfully complete the follow up post-evaluation so they can be fully accredited with 3 CPDUK points.

They will need to have resources ready for each session, which are all available in the Hope for Justice Learning Academy.

Anyone wishing to attend must email NRM@northyorks.gov.uk outlining which session(s) by Monday 9th October 2023. Any standing NRM panel partners are also welcome to sign up for this training if they wish.

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NYSCP Modern Slavery Masterclass

“The NYSCP Developments in Safeguarding Masterclass is a monthly free lunchtime webinar which features the latest information on best practice, changes to legislation and guidance as well as local, regional and national learning. Each month will feature different subject and delegates will hear from multi-agency partners dedicated to ensuring the safety and wellbeing of children and young people.

6th December 12:00 -13:00

NYSCP (safeguardingchildren.co.uk)

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Children’s Society #LookCloser Programme of Learning (September -December 2023)

We offer a free, year-round Programme of learning for any professional working with or overseeing services for children and young people, including those in frontline roles up to strategic leads and commissioners. 

Out sessions cover a wide range of issues related to preventing and disrupting child exploitation and abuse. They seek to incorporate and respond to the latest developments in tackling these ever-changing harms and will help equip professionals with the knowledge and tools that they need to address these.

#LookCloser To Spot Exploitation | The Children’s Society (childrenssociety.org.uk)

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NYSCP Schools DSL conference: 26th October 2023

The NYSCP Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSLs) Network Conference is an opportunity for DSLs in North Yorkshire Schools to learn and share experiences of key safeguarding issues across North Yorkshire.

The day will comprise of keynote speakers and a series of workshops which you can sign up to on the day of the event. There will also be a marketplace where you can find out more about various different initiatives and services, plus the opportunity to ask your questions directly.

As a result of attending, DSLs will be provided with knowledge of the latest safeguarding concerns, engage in practical discussions and workshops and have networking opportunities with other schools.

The day is highly popular and places are filling up fast. To avoid disappointment please visit the NYES website to book Designated Safeguarding Leads Network Conference | NYES Info

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Modern Slavery Partnership group: Modern Slavery Podcasts

Look out for a series of short and informative podcast discussions in October around modern slavery; from myth busting, to what to do if you are worried. These are great short bursts of information to listen to when you are on the go.

Podcasts be accessed via the NYSCP Spotify channel https://open.spotify.com/show/4VMvKQeJv8a2tSQIQUxzVG or search for NYSCP on your Podcast Provider.

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#Lookcloser resources

Alongside the Children’s Society #Look Closer programme of learning a series of resources are also available to partners on their website. Whether you work directly with young people, work in an industry where exploitation could be visible, or are a concerned member of the public, our #LookCloser resources help everyone play their part in stopping child exploitation.

It includes #LookCloser posters and leaflets, social media assets, explainers on grooming, financial exploitation and more. It also includes a guidance resource around Children and Young people and Modern Slavery.

The resources can be accessed here: #LookCloser To Spot Exploitation | The Children’s Society (childrenssociety.org.uk)

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Disrupting Exploitation resource

The Children’s Society Prevention Programme and NWG are pleased to share our latest resource – ‘Disrupting Exploitation –

A brief introduction to disruption measures and why they are essential to tackling child exploitation.’

The resource can be found, alongside our others at https://www.flipsnack.com/CA7CFEBBDC9/nwg-and-tcs-disruption-briefing.html

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Stop Hate UK – young people resources

Young People’s Resource Hub – Stop Hate UK

At Stop Hate UK we recognise the impact that online hate can have on individuals and communities. We work to reduce it and create a better online environment by increasing understanding of how and why it is important to know the harmful effects created by the powerful world of the internet.

Help us to spread love, not hate by exploring ways to challenge and report online hate.

This information hub is for young people, their carers and teachers to learn about issues surrounding online Hate Crime, its impact and how to challenge and report it.

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Intelligence Sharing:

North Yorkshire Police relies on intelligence from communities, partners and other law enforcement agencies. Intelligence can come from a range of sources such as a concerned member of the community worried about a neighbouring address, a local authority worker who has received a disclosure from a person, or from police in another area. Intelligence plays a vital role in the disruption of child criminal exploitation, including modern slavery and human trafficking.

The submission of intelligence by professionals must be submitted to the police via the  Partnership information sharing form which is a key and safe way for professionals to share information about something that may be concerning them for example:

  • Information about a concerning incident
  • Suspicious activity
  • An unusual exchange between two or more people
  • Something that makes professionals feel uncomfortable.

If you are reporting events where a person, child or young person is at immediate risk of harm the dial 999.

We’ve put together a handy guide for filling out the form, including what to include, when to share intelligence and what happens when it has been submitted. Please promote and share this guide with partners and colleagues so we can continue to encourage the sharing of vial intelligence.

The guide and the form can be accessed here: NYSCP (safeguardingchildren.co.uk)

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Online Safety Bill

A guide to the Online Safety Bill – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

The Online Safety Bill has been passed and will soon become a law. This ground-breaking legislation that will radically change the landscape for children online. It will protect children by making social media platforms:

  • remove illegal content quickly or prevent it from appearing in the first place. This includes removing content promoting self-harm
  • prevent children from accessing harmful and age-inappropriate content
  • enforce age limits and age-checking measures
  • ensure the risks and dangers posed to children on the largest social media platforms are more transparent, including by publishing risk assessments
  • provide parents and children with clear and accessible ways to report problems online when they do arise

For more information visit the link above.

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Addressing common myths about Vaping

Addressing common myths about vaping: addressing common myths about vaping (ash.org.uk)

This short brief is to aid responsible reporting of the evidence about vaping and reduce:

 • Repetition of misconceptions as conventional wisdom;

• Overstating the evidence, with caveats downplayed or missed out;

 • Presenting opinions as facts.

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We are pleased to inform you that a range of Stoptober campaign resources are now available to download from the Campaign Resource Centre. These can be used from the launch date of 20 September to 31 October. They include:

  • Campaign toolkit containing key messages, stats and facts and long/short copy for newsletters and websites
  • Digital posters
  • Social media assets and suggested post copy
  • Web banners
  • Graphics for digital screens

Download Resources Now

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Shore: A safe place for teenagers worried about sexual behaviour

Shore provides a safe and anonymous place for young people to get help and support. The aim of the website is to prevent harmful sexual behaviours among young people. Shore is a part of The Lucy Faithfull Foundation and is available for anyone who has questions about healthy sexual relationships, looking for reliable information to help them respond to someone else’s behaviour, or wants to change their own behaviour.

The resource has been added to our Be Aware pages for professionals here: NYSCP (safeguardingchildren.co.uk) and for young people here: NYSCP (safeguardingchildren.co.uk)

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NYSCP on LinkedIn:

With the conversion of Twitter to X.com, a number of users are migrating aware from Twitter to other platforms.  Twitter has been one of the core elements of the NYSCP communication strategy for campaigns and awareness raising.  While X.com will still feature as a prominent social media platform, the NYSCP Business Unit is developing it’s Linkedin connection in order to communicate more directly with professionals. ​You can follow the NYSCP’s Linkedin page by visiting: https://www.linkedin.com/company/nyscp

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Useful Links


Resource Library

Find the latest forms, guidance, tools and documents to help you safeguard children in North Yorkshire by searching in our resource library


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