NYSCP May 2024 e:bulletin - North Yorkshire

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May 2024 e:bulletin

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Welcome to the NYSCP May 2024 edition of our e-bulletin

As we longingly await the start of the warmer summer months here at the partnership business unit, we are keeping busy with lots of updates for you this month.

As usual we will encourage partners to “Do your P.A.R.T” this month; sharing key practice and research themes. We will also introduce a new feature, where we will highlight a partnership practice guidance document of the month. The NYSCP website has a wealth of practice guidance and One Minute guides on the webpage NYSCP (safeguardingchildren.co.uk), and each month we will share one with you encourage you to access the others when needed.

In late April the partnership held one of their six monthly face-to-face development days. These days are an opportunity for senior partners to come together, share updates, good practice and look at strategic planning. The focus for this session was “Early Help is everyone’s business” and we started to explore the concept of Early Help and the role we all play in supporting families and young people. These conversations will be a vital starting point as we move forwards as a partnership to develop a new Early Help Strategy.

Alongside this we will also be focusing on the review of the partnership overarching strategy Being Young In North Yorkshire. As part of this review, we are keen to hear from frontline practitioners about how they have used the current strategy in their role and the impact it has had. We will be holding a series of short, online consultation events in early July, to which we invite all frontline practitioners who are keen to share their opinions of how we shape the new strategy. For more details on how to join please contact nyscp@northyorks.gov.uk.

Work is ongoing in relation to the changes made in December 2023 to the Working Together to Safeguard Children document. A partnership task and finish group are now meeting monthly to look at implementing the changes across the partnership, with North Yorkshire updates required to be confirmed and published by December 2024. Please keep a look out for further updates in upcoming bulletins.

Finally, as a partnership we would like to wish a fond farewell and happy retirement to Designated Nurses for Safeguarding Children and Children in Care – Karen Hedgley and Elaine Wyllie. Their dedication to safeguarding throughout their careers has been pivotal to the work of the partnership and we will miss working with them greatly. We wish them all the best as they look forward to spending time with their beautiful grandchildren.

As always, please get in touch if there are any comments about the e-bulletin or any content you would like to share nyscp@northyorks.gov.uk

Kathryn Morrison, Policy and Development Officer

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Do your P.A.R.T this month and access the #AskMe…Have the conversation resources and campaign materials.

#AskMe…. Have the Conversation is a campaign aimed at professionals across North Yorkshire to encourage them to have conversations with new and expectant parents about how they are feeling about a number of aspects of having and caring for a baby.

On 17th April around 100 people attended a masterclass to hear information from Designated Nurses Safeguarding Children and Children in Care; Elaine Wyllie and Karen Hedgley around the thematic review which led to the campaign. There was also a presentation on the Day or Night Sleep Right work of the partnership and the resources around safe sleeping.

Finally, we shared the #AskMe…Have the conversation resources and webpage and talked partners through the content.

The eagle eyed of you who follow NYSCP on social media will have seen over that week we promoted lots of social media content around the campaign – please continue to like and share the content to get the message out far and wide.

Access the website resources: NYSCP (safeguardingchildren.co.uk)

Access a recording of the masterclass session: NYSCP – YouTube

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Practice Guidance of the Month: Domestic Abuse

This month NYSCP have worked in conjunction with the Community Safety Partnership to update the Domestic Abuse Practice Guidance:

This practice guidance is written to assist all staff working with unborn babies, children and young people to recognise and respond appropriately to situations of Domestic Abuse. The guidance covers:

  • Definitions of Domestic abuse
  • Indicators
  • Children as victims of Domestic abuse and the impact this has
  • Stalking and harassment
  • Honour Based Violence (including forced marriage)
  • Adolescent to parent violence
  • Domestic abuse in young people’s relationships
  • The Law, the role of the Domestic abuse Local Partnership Board and meetings to tackle domestic abuse
  • Key local resources and contacts.

A One Minute Guide has also been produced to highlight Child Adolescence to Parent Violence and Abuse (CAPVA) including what it is and what support services are available in North Yorkshire.

Alongside this North Yorkshire Community Safety Partnership have also released their Domestic Abuse Strategy 2024-28 highlighting the strategic vision:

“We will not tolerate domestic abuse within North Yorkshire and York, and we will strive to ensure everyone can live free from abuse and harm. We will create an environment where healthy relationships are the norm and where victims, survivors and their children have access to the right support at the right time. Domestic abuse is everybody’s business. We will work collaboratively to create lasting change across all our communities with the voice of the victim at the heart of our response; and where perpetrators of abuse are held accountable for their behaviour.”

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Training Updates:

Safeguarding week is coming: 17-21 June

Following the success of our on-line programme last year, we are pleased to confirm that we have gathered a line-up of fascinating topics that will be of interest to both the public and professionals. We will also be hosting face-to-face events throughout our communities.

The programme brings inspirational expert speakers from the safeguarding community and importantly, this includes people with lived experience. We want to support your professional development, stimulate discussion and provoke innovative thinking as well as encourage and support you to take action – whether this be implementing learning, undertaking training or involving people in a meaningful way.

For communities and the wider public this is the opportunity to hear from experts on specific topics to aid you with the tools and knowledge to prevent and / or report any forms of abuse or neglect.

Registration for the sessions will open in early May and we wanted to be sure that you had the dates set aside in your diary.

We look forward to sharing the full programme with you when it is available.

In the meantime, you can help support and promote the campaign by using the email banner and Teams background available via: NYSAB (safeguardingadults.co.uk) You can also get the latest updates via our Twitter at https://twitter.com/NYSAB1  

Upcoming NYSCP Masterclasses:

  • 1st May 2024 12:00 – 13:00: Counter Terrorism Police Update
  • 16th May 2024 (evening) – Early Years Masterclass
  • 5th June 2024 12:00 – 13:00: Safeguarding and the VCSE sector
  • 3rd July 2024 12:00 – 13:00: Use of the Home Environment Assessment Tool (HEAT)
  • 11th September 2024 12:00 – 13:00: Business Unit updates – learning from case reviews.

Booking via NYES, more information is available here: NYSCP (safeguardingchildren.co.uk)

St Giles SOS+ Service

From 13th May 2024 St. Giles Trust will be delivering North Yorkshire SOS+, a new exploitation support service for children and young adults in York and North Yorkshire.

The SOS+ service will:

  • Support those aged 10-25 who have been victims of, or are at risk of all forms of exploitation, and those who repeatedly go missing
  • Focus on early intervention and prevention via community outreach and awareness raising across youth and educational settings
  • Provide support to victims of exploitation to cope with the immediate impacts of the crime and to rebuild resilience from the harm experienced
  • Provide bespoke support via keyworkers, who will establish the most appropriate type of support dependent upon needs, support can be offered via brief intervention or longer-term support
  • Include support from those with lived experience of exploitation
  • Capture the voice of the child/young adult and ensure this is fed into local arrangements
  • Raise awareness of the signs and symptoms of all forms of exploitation
  • Improve outcomes for the individuals supported by the service, across a range of pathways

There are four ‘Lunch & Learn’ sessions being held, where you can find out more information on North Yorkshire SOS+. These will be held on the following dates. Please contact nyscp@northyorks.gov.uk for more details on how to join.

  • 7th May 12-12.30
  • 9th May 12-12.30
  • 13th May 1-1.30
  • 15th May 1-1.30

For more information including service leaflets visit: NYSCP (safeguardingchildren.co.uk)

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Dogs and Children: Top tips to keep them safe and happy together

A Police Chief Inspector is warning families to remember that any dog can bite, after a 3-year-old was bitten in the face by his family’s pet after trying to climb on the animal. “Children should never be unsupervised when with dogs, even family pets that you believe ‘would never hurt’ your children.” 

While we don’t expect our own dog to bite, it’s important to remember any dog can bite if they feel they have no other option. That’s why the child accident prevention trust have created free resources with bite-sized safety tips to share with the families you work with. 

Dogs and Children | Top tips to keep them safe and happy together (capt.org.uk)

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Update to ‘Sharing nudes and semi-nudes: advice for education settings’

An update to Sharing nudes and semi-nudes: advice for education settings was published in April.

What is it: non-statutory advice from UKCIS on how to respond to an incident of nudes and semi-nudes being shared

Who is it for: DSLs and senior leadership teams of education settings in England. Welsh version also available.

Key changes in 2024 version:

  • Now covers incidents involving AI-generated images and financially motivated sexual extortion (commonly known as ‘sextortion’)
  • New guidance on seizure of devices by police

Sharing nudes and semi-nudes: advice for education settings working with children and young people – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

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What is Doxing? A Guide for Professionals, Parents and Carers

For many of us when we go online, our privacy is something that we prioritise. Although we may like to share our holiday pictures and birthday celebrations on social media, there are some things which are just off limits. Specific details such as our home address, or our contact number may be publicly available somewhere, but that doesn’t mean we necessarily want everybody to know about it. Because of this, the act or threat of our personal details being shared online can carry considerable harm and upset to targeted individuals. This is where the term ‘Doxing’ came about. 

Find out more in resources shared by the SWGfl: What is Doxing? A Guide for Professionals, Parents and Carers | SWGfL

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Free NSPCC “Listen Up, Speak Up” training

It takes a village to raise a child. And it takes a community to keep children safe.

That’s why we’re encouraging every adult in the UK to take our 10-minute digital training* and learn how to listen up and speak up for children.

Listen up, Speak up will show you: 

  • some signs a child might be at risk, and steps you can take to help
  • how to approach difficult conversations to help keep children safe
  • who you can contact if you’re ever concerned about a child or their family.

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Reporting Harmful Content: Free shareable

Unfortunately, children and young people are often the recipient of various forms of inappropriate content and abusive behaviours online, including grooming attempts, trolling, and cyberbullying. But do they always report it, and if not, why not?

Ineqe have produced a handy  Reporting Harmful Content shareable which helps you to understand some of the reasons why they may not report and ways you can encourage them to do so.

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#LookCloser Programme of Learning May – September 2024

The children’s Society are delighted to invite you to join them for the latest #LookCloser Programme of learning. They have developed the sessions based on learning from The Children’s Society and wider partners to tackle the issue of child exploitation and abuse.

Find out more about the sessions on offer here: NYSCP (safeguardingchildren.co.uk)

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Young Minds: free training Schedule May – June 2024

Young Minds deliver training to over 10,000 professionals each year and their expert trainer consultants will give participants the practical skills to support the young people they work with. All training sessions will be delivered online via Zoom for a maximum of 50 participants per webinar and 20 participants per training course

Course include:

  • Introduction to adolescent mental health
  • Involving young people facing marginalisation and barriers
  • 1 hour webinar for Trusted Adults supporting young people in the community

To find out more and book visit: https://www.safeguardingchildren.co.uk/Resources/young-minds-free-training-schedule-may-june-2024/

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Discussing Online Life with Your Child:

Are you worried about your child’s online habits but you’re not sure how to approach them? Check out our video, ‘Discussing Online Life with Your Child’, for tips on how to start a conversation with a child or young person in your care about what they’re doing online.

Discussing Online Life with Your Child – YouTube

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Child Safety Week: Monday 3rd to Sunday 9th June

Child Safety Week is the Child Accident Prevention Trust’s annual community education campaign, acting as a catalyst for thousands of safety conversations and activities UK-wide.

CAPT help families build confidence and skills in managing the real risks to children’s safety. We want all children to have the freedom to grow and learn, safe from serious harm.

For more information visit: Child Safety Week | Child Accident Prevention Trust (capt.org.uk)

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Helping education settings respond to child sexual abuse

Teachers and education professionals are often first in line to identify and respond to children who have been sexually abused. It is incredibly important that they have the knowledge and skills to confidently protect and support them.

On the 25th June, the CSA are holding a one-day online course identifying and responding to child sexual abuse. Thiswill support DSLs to build their understanding of the scale and nature of child sexual abuse and explore how to use resources in practice. This course will support DSL’s to confidently cascade across their education setting.

For more information and to book a place visit: Identifying and responding to child sexual abuse for DSLs Tickets, Tue 25 Jun 2024 at 09:30 | Eventbrite, tickets cost £85.

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Useful Links

Did you know you can sign up to receive this bulletin directly at NYSCP e-Bulletin (mailchi.mp)


Resource Library

Find the latest forms, guidance, tools and documents to help you safeguard children in North Yorkshire by searching in our resource library


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