NYSCP NYSCP May 2023 e:bulletin - North Yorkshire

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NYSCP May 2023 e:bulletin

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Welcome to the NYSCP May 2023 edition of our e-bulletin

The weather is decidedly changeable at the moment but we’re getting glimpses of warmer weather to come and it’s certainly lovely to start seeing some spring bulbs making more of an appearance in gardens across the County.

The Business Unit have been working hard this month, taking part in the very successful locality events hosted by the Children and Families Service and we have also been planning for Safeguarding Week!

This year, Safeguarding Week will take place over five days from 19th June – 23rd June and will give all partners the opportunity to showcase the fantastic work being undertaken by frontline practitioners across our new unitary Authority. We have been working closely with Health and Adult Services, the Community Safety Partnership and representatives from the City of York and East Riding to plan a variety of exciting sessions. All events will be bookable through Eventbrite and will feature a mixture of pre-recorded and live sessions on a range of topics such as domestic abuse, FGM, ICON and many more. If you’re unsure about how to access the events, please get in touch with the NYSCP and we can guide you on the process.

In this month’s e-bulletin we’d like to draw your attention to the North Yorkshire Child’s Safeguarding Partnership Briefing for the North Yorkshire Paediatric CSAAS (Children’s Sexual Abuse Assessment Service). This document provides practitioners with useful guidance on the Children’s Sexual Abuse Assessment Service.

Among other things, you will also see some helpful resources around mental health, the Go-To which is the home of wellbeing and mental health for young people in North Yorkshire and has lots of advice and guidance to help young people be and feel well.

Hannah Ellingworth
Partnership Manager

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National review into safeguarding children with disabilities and complex health needs in residential settings
North Yorkshire and City of York Domestic Abuse Training
Supporting Victims after Crime
Meeting Digital and Technology Standards in Schools and Colleges
Online Behaviours
Youth Vaping – The Need-to-Know on This Rising Trend
Mental Health Awareness Week
Mental Health – Advice for parents and carers
Upcoming Masterclasses and Training

National review into safeguarding children with disabilities and complex health needs in residential settings

On 20th April, phase two report of a national review into safeguarding children with disabilities and complex health needs in residential settings was published.

This report is the culmination over 18 months of looking in-depth at the very serious abuse and neglect of over 100 children, most of whom were non-verbal and living very far from home.

A central message in this review is that it is critical that leaders, managers and practitioners work together, including across education, health and children’s social care, to support these children and their families to be safe, to thrive and enjoy their lives.


The review also identified key learning points for frontline professionals across agencies.

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North Yorkshire and City of York Domestic Abuse Training

The following training courses have been jointly commissioned by North Yorkshire Council and City of York Council, therefore are specific to professionals working within the North Yorkshire and City of York areas:

• Domestic abuse signs, indicators, DASH and MARAC
• Supporting older victims of domestic abuse
• Substance Misuse and Domestic Abuse
• Trauma and how it affects Domestic Abuse victims
• Supporting young people and domestic abuse
• Coercive control workshop
• Supporting male victims of domestic abuse
• Safeguarding children and domestic abuse
• Supporting LGBTQ+ people impacted by domestic abuse
• Supporting people with mental health and domestic abuse

Dates for these courses are between April and June and vary from 2-hour workshops to all day training.

Further information including how to book is available on the IDAS website:

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Supporting Victims after Crime

Leaflets are now available in a range of Languages for professionals to order.  To order these go to the PrintShop.

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Meeting Digital and Technology Standards in Schools and Colleges

The Department for Education (DfE) has created filtering and monitoring standards for schools and colleges in England to help protect children online.  The standards cover: areas of responsibility; testing device efficiency; and consideration of strategies that meet safeguarding needs.

View the standards: Meeting digital and technology standards in schools and colleges
Read the news story: New filtering and monitoring standards introduced by the Department for Education

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Online Behaviours

Ofcom has published two reports looking at children’s media habits and attitudes. The findings from the children and parents: media use and attitudes project were based on online panels with around 7,000 children and parents.  The children’s media lives longitudinal study involved interviews with 21 children aged 8-18 across the UK.  Findings from the projects include: some girls received inappropriate messages from strangers; some younger children were unable to identify fake accounts; and some children encountered mature themes through content they were shown.

Read the press release: Teens on screens: life online for children and young adults revealed

Download the report: Children and parents: media use and attitudes report 2023

Download the report: Children’s media lives

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Youth Vaping – The Need-to-Know on This Rising Trend

Vaping is increasingly popular with children and young people.  Vaping kits are available across the high street, from petrol stations and in shopping centres.  They have colourful advertising and a catching a sickly-sweet scent lingering in the air.

While vapes (also known as electronic cigarettes or ‘e-cigarettes’) are meant to be used as a ‘quit tool’ for smokers rather than a new method for non-smokers, one trend has been slowly on the rise in the last few years – youth vaping.  To find out more about vaping, general facts, why young people vape, the impact of social media, risk, red flags and top tips if you discover a young person is vaping, visit the link below:

Youth Vaping – The Need-to-Know on This Rising Trend – Ineqe Safeguarding Group

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Mental Health Awareness Week

Mental Health Awareness Week is from 15 – 21 May, this year the theme is ‘Anxiety’.

Anxiety is a normal emotion in us all, but sometimes it can get out of control and become a mental health problem. Mental Health Awareness Week is an ideal time for us all to think about mental health, tackle stigma, and find out how we can create a society that prevents mental health problems from developing and protects our mental well-being.  Visit the mental health website for more details of how you can get involved.

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Mental Health – Advice for parents and carers

As a parent or carer, you may have concerns regarding your child’s mental health. Mental health issues can affect people of any age including children and young people.  Concerns can emerge in different forms including eating disorders, obsessive behaviours, self-harming and suicidal ideation.

While it can feel difficult to find help and support there is a lot of information available for parents and carers as well as for children and young people to access.  Visit the NYSCP website for more information and were to go for help.

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Upcoming Masterclasses and Training

NYSCP offer a range of training courses, for more details visit the NYSCP website. This month we have –

  • Counter Terrorism Update Masterclass – Wednesday 3rd May

In this Masterclass you will hear from the North Yorkshire Prevent for the latest Counter Terrorism Policing North-East team, providing an overview of the North Yorkshire Counter Terrorism local profile, focusing on the threat and risk that is relevant to our communities.  For more information and to book on to this free course go to the website.

  • Developments in Safeguarding – Early Years Masterclass – Thursday 4th May

A safeguarding masterclass to support all Early Year’s providers keep children safe.  Presentation will include NSPCC talking PANTS, Healthy Child Team on unintentional injuries Take Action Today, Public Health on food safety including nutrition, supervision and reducing the risk of choking as well as updates from LADO and NYC colleagues.  For more information and to book on to this free course go to the website.

  • Child Death Review: Advanced Training for Professionals – Thursday 4th May

This course covers the different components of the Joint Agency Response in response to a child death, the role and responsibilities of different professionals and provides the skills to explain to families the purpose of the process.  Available to all multi-agency professionals across North Yorkshire and York who work directly or indirectly with children and families.  To book a place go to the website.

  • DSL Network Meeting – Friday 5th May

Termly updates from the North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Partnership for safeguarding children in schools.  This session is focused on School DSL roles and is not suitable for other sectors/roles.  To book your place go to the website.

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Useful Links


Resource Library

Find the latest forms, guidance, tools and documents to help you safeguard children in North Yorkshire by searching in our resource library


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