NYSCP Joint Targeted Area Inspection (JTAI): Guidance for Practitioners - North Yorkshire

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Joint Targeted Area Inspection (JTAI): Guidance for Practitioners

Joint Targeted Area Inspection (JTAI): Guidance for Practitioners

Joint targeted area inspection of the multi-agency response to children who are victims of domestic abuse – GOV.UK

Ofsted, the Care Quality Commission (CQC) and HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) together undertake a programme of Joint Targeted Area Inspections (JTAIs) in a local area.

JTAI is an inspection of the local area arrangements and how leaders, managers and practitioners work together across the local authority, police, health providers and partner services to safeguard children and promote their welfare.

Ofsted’s National Director for Social Care, Eleanor Schooling said:

“The responsibility of safeguarding cannot rest with one agency alone. These inspections will provide a comprehensive picture of how several agencies work together in an area to ensure children are safe.

The joint approach will allow us to act swiftly where we are concerned about specific issues in an area so we can ensure that every agency is doing its part. Equally, it will give us an important opportunity to look at good practice and really understand how local areas are tackling the challenges they face. We are confident these inspections will support improvement and have a positive impact on the experiences of children and young people.”

What does JTAI focus on?

There are currently two types of JTAI inspection:

Each focus is subject to change periodically.

The scope of this inspection reflects the definition of domestic abuse in the Domestic Abuse Act 2021, which makes clear that children are victims of domestic abuse in their own right if they have seen, heard or experienced the effect of the abuse.

The agencies within the scope of this inspection are the police, children’s social care, probation services and relevant health services. When evaluating the multi-agency safeguarding arrangements put in place by the partners in the local area, the Inspectors will take into account the guidance set out in Working together to safeguard children. Inspectors will also evaluate how local agencies work with education and early years providers to identify and respond to children who are victims of domestic abuse.

Inspectors will also evaluate how local agencies work with the voluntary and community sector to respond to children who are victims of domestic abuse.

Inspectors will evaluate the multi-agency arrangements for:

  • responding to children who are victims of domestic abuse, at the point of identification
  • assessment, planning and decision-making in response to notifications and referrals of children who are victims of domestic abuse
  • protecting, supporting and caring for children who are at risk of, or who have been victims of, domestic abuse
  • preventing children from becoming victims of domestic abuse

Inspectors will also evaluate how effectively the NSYCP, through its MASA, monitors, promotes, coordinates and evaluates the work of the statutory partners. Inspectors will base their findings on recent practice. This will usually be practice in the 6 months before the inspection. The inspection will evaluate how well current practice takes account of relevant history in children’s cases.

Who undertakes the Inspection?

The inspection team will usually consist of:

  • 3 social care inspectors from Ofsted – one will be the lead inspector
  • 1 education inspector from Ofsted
  • 3 inspectors from HMICFRS
  • 3 inspectors from CQC
  • 2 inspectors from HMI Probation

A Senior His Majesty’s Inspector (HMI) from Ofsted will be the quality assurance manager.

CQC, HMICFRS and HMIP may appoint additional quality assurance managers to the team if there are specific circumstances that require additional oversight.

What does activity consist of?

Inspectors will be focusing on children’s experiences and progress and will prioritise gathering evidence about direct practice with children and families.

Inspectors will:

  • Undertake case sampling
  • Undertake case tracking (a more in-depth look at practice and at least five cases will be selected from performance and management information provided in advance of the on-site activity (week 3)
  • Evaluate the quality and impact of audits undertaken locally
  • Interview practitioners, managers, leaders and stakeholders
  • Speak with children, young people and families
  • Meet with representatives of our multi-agency safeguarding arrangements (NYSCP)
  • Review documents, performance and management information
  • Observe practice and multi-agency meetings, e.g. ICPC, Strategy Meeting, Multi-agency Panels etc.

How long does the inspection last?

Inspection Timeline

Week 1

  • Inspectors notify the local leaders of the inspection 10 working days before the fieldwork begins. This will usually be on a Monday but may happen earlier if a there is a bank holiday in week 1 or 2 of the inspection.
  • Inspectors request information to support the inspection (this information is set out in Annex A of the inspection guidance).
  • Inspectors and local leaders hold a set-up discussion (inspectors are off site).
  • Local agencies share information to support the inspection.
  • Inspectors select some children and ask the local agencies to evaluate the children’s experiences through an audit.
  • Inspectors carry out planning and pre-inspection analysis.
  • A multi-agency meeting with local partners for them to explain strategic arrangements to respond to children who are victims of domestic abuse.

Week 2

  • The local area evaluates children’s experiences and provide audits to the inspection team
  • Local agencies share information to support the inspection.
  • Inspectors carry out pre-inspection analysis and review the information set out in Annex A.
  • Inspectors work with the local agencies to agree a fieldwork timetable.
  • Inspectors may meet virtually with local leaders to discuss arrangements for the inspection and the local context.

Week 3

  • Fieldwork takes place Monday to Friday and inspection activity listed above is undertaken by inspectors.
  • Inspection findings are fed back to the local partnership on Friday.

Weeks 4 and 5 – Inspectors Off Site

  • Ofsted draft the findings letter for the local partnership

 Week 6

  • Draft findings report sent to the local partnership on Friday of week 6 (15 working days after fieldwork).

Weeks 7 and 8

  • Director of Children’s Services has 9 working days to co-ordinate comments from the partner agencies as part of a factual accuracy check of the report. Comments are returned to inspectors by Thursday of week 8.

Week 10

  • Final findings report is sent to local partners on Monday of week 10 and this is an embargoed version until Friday of this week when the report is published and available to the public.

What is happening in North Yorkshire?

There is a multi-agency JTAI working group which is co-ordinated by the North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Partnership. The function of the group is to support preparation, self-assess and digest learning identified from JTAI’s in external areas.

For further information on the work of the group please contact NYSCP – nyscp@northyorks.gov.uk


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