NYSCP Child Exploitation Awareness Day 2024 - North Yorkshire

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Child Exploitation Awareness Day 2024

Child Exploitation Awareness Day 2024

North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Partnership are proud to support the National Working Group to highlight the National Child Exploitation awareness raising day on 18th March 2024.

2024 marks the 10th anniversary of #CEADay and we want to make this the biggest and best yet!

The aim of the campaign is to raise awareness of children and young people being abused through exploitation and encourage as many people as possible to talk about it, ‘Spot the signs’, and to start some vital conversations.

Across North Yorkshire we will be holding a weeklong awareness raising campaign with key messages being shared across our social media channels. We will also be holding a cross partnership programme of learning with 10 free masterclass sessions delivered by partners happening throughout the week, exploring a wide variety of safeguarding themes.

Partners can access key information and resources around Child exploitation at the NYSCP Be Aware Knowledge Hub. The site contains key and relevant information for professionals, parents, young people and local businesses to raise awareness of exploitation and how we can all work together to tackle it, including:

  • What child exploitation is and what it can look like.
  • Highlighting the different types of child exploitation – including County Lines and online exploitation.
  • How to talk to children about what child exploitation is, and things we can all do to help young people stay safe.
  • What the signs are that child exploitation and grooming may be happening.
  • How partners can work together to tackle and disrupt exploitation
  • What help and support is available for victims in North Yorkshire.

Programme of Learning

To raise awareness and promote Child Exploitation Awareness Day on 18th March 2024; North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Partnership are proud to present an exploitation themed programme of learning. Over the week we welcome partners from across North Yorkshire to share learning, best practice and emerging themes and trends focusing on themes of Child Exploitation.

Sessions are all free and will be delivered via Teams. Booking links can be accessed via NYES (see course descriptions below)

St Giles Trust will provide partners with an overview of child criminal exploitation, with a particular focus on female victims. The session will include:
Grooming methods
Youth Culture Influences
Glamorisation of criminal activity.
Way in which young females are recruited and used, including their roles within gangs.
How young women and girls can stay safe from gangs.
Partners will gain a fuller understanding of the risks of criminal exploitation, focusing on female victims.
Anyone working / volunteering with children, young people and their families across North Yorkshire with the view to help you keep up to date with current developments surrounding safeguarding children and child exploitation.
Booking via NYES:  Child Exploitation Learning Event: Child Criminal Exploitation and Girls | NYES Info

County Lines – Early intervention and prevention in schools
North Yorkshire Police have collaborated with author Christina Gabbitas to deliver engaging and informative intervention and prevention to both primary and secondary school children and young people on the subject of county lines and associated risks.
The session will share an outline of work that has been completed across the county over the last 3 years.
There will be an overview of the content within the two animations used “No More Knives and County Lines” & “Trapped in County Lines” and we will also highlight consultation work that has taken place to develop the resources.
We will also share feedback received from students and teachers, as well as some pieces of poetry which were created following the sessions.
Anyone working / volunteering with children, young people & their families across North Yorkshire with the view to help you educate young people around the risks and dangers of county lines.
Booking via NYES: Child Exploitation Learning Event: County Lines – Early Intervention and Prevention in Schools | NYES Info

An opportunity for partners to learn more about the role of the North Yorkshire Police Child Missing and Exploitation Team since the team was established in 2023. Officers will share anonymised examples of some of the work they have completed as well as what wider partners can do to support with further disruption work including the vital role of sharing intelligence.
Alongside this, NYSCP Contextual Safeguarding Officer Gemma Ohr will share further examples of wider partnership disruption linked to the MACE level 2 meetings.
Partners will gain a greater level of understanding of the role of the Child Missing and Exploitation Team in North Yorkshire as well as examples of how partners can work in collaboration to disrupt child exploitation across North Yorkshire.
Anyone working / volunteering with children, young people and their families across North Yorkshire with the view to help you keep up to date with current developments surrounding safeguarding children
Booking via NYES: Child Exploitation Learning event: Partnership disruption in North Yorkshire | NYES Info

NYSCP welcomes Adam from ‘The Long Game’. The Long Game is a real lived story being told to educate young people about the dangers of organized crime gangs & how in links to child criminal exploitation (Modern Day Slavery).  It’s called The Long Game because it applies to those trying to exploit and those trying to escape exploitation.  
Adam will be presenting to children and young people across North Yorkshire schools, providing them with an open & honest conversation in a safe space, giving them a better understanding of how instant gratification is often used by the exploiters and giving a fuller understanding of
Peer on peer grooming
Debt Bondage
Child criminal Exploitation
This session will be an opportunity for partners to have a greater understanding of the Long Game and Adam’s story and what Adam will be offering to deliver across North Yorkshire schools.
Anyone working / volunteering with children, young people and their families across North Yorkshire with the view to help you keep up to date with current developments surrounding safeguarding children and child exploitation
Booking via NYES: Child Exploitation Learning Event: The Long Game | NYES Info

NYSCP welcome Ivison Trust (formerly PACE). The session will cover the history of Ivison Trust and their relational safeguarding model and contextual approach. Partners will have the opportunity to hear about the experiences of parents who have lived through child exploitation and the support they have received from the Ivison Trust. There will also be an exercise showcasing the value of working with parents as key safeguarding partners.
Partners will gain a greater understanding of the experiences of parents of children who are victims of exploitation and the value in working with parents as safeguarding partners. They will learn about the role of the Ivison Trust and the support they can offer for parents and carers.
Anyone working / volunteering with children, young people and their families across North Yorkshire with the view to help you keep up to date with current developments surrounding safeguarding children
Booking Via NYES: Child Exploitation Learning Event: Ivison Trust | NYES Info

The launch of the new North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Partnership Multi Agency Child Exploitation and Contextual Safeguarding Strategy

To coincide with Child Exploitation Awareness Day on 18th March, North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Partnership are proud to launch their new Multi-Agency Child Exploitation and Contextual Safeguarding Strategy.
The session will share an outline of work that has been completed and successes of the 2020-2023 strategy.

We will highlight consultation work that has taken place to develop the new strategy alongside sharing information on the Tackling Child Exploitation Practice Principles.
The session will focus on sharing the new strategy and give partners a chance to reflect on the strategic priorities and what it means for their practice.
Anyone working / volunteering with children, young people & their families across North Yorkshire with the view to help you keep up to date with current developments surrounding safeguarding children.
Booking is available via NYES North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Partnership (NYSCP) Developments in Safeguarding Masterclass Webinars – March 2024 – Multi-Agency Child Exploitation Strategy | NYES Info

The partnership welcome Phoebe Bond from the Children’s Society Prevention Programme to discuss the issue of Sexually Coerced Extortion
Partners will gain a fuller understanding of sexually coerced extortion and how this type of exploitation harms young people. Partners will also develop an understanding of this as a type of both sexual and financial harm.
Anyone working / volunteering with children, young people & their families across North Yorkshire with the view to help you keep up to date with current developments surrounding safeguarding children.
Booking via NYES: Child Exploitation Learning Event: Hand in Hand Project | NYES Info

To raise awareness and promote Child Exploitation Awareness Day on 18th March 2024; North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Partnership are proud to present an exploitation themed programme of learning. Over the week we welcome partners from across North Yorkshire to share learning, best practice and emerging themes and trends focusing on themes of Child Exploitation.

Barnardo’s Independent Child Trafficking Guardianship Service (ICTG) will deliver a session giving an overview of different ways in which children are exploited, including examples and indicators. The session will also cover the role of the ICTG service:

Overview and examples of Criminal Exploitation, Sexual Exploitation, Domestic Servitude, Forced Labour and Organ Harvesting
Signs and Indicators of different types of exploitation
Definition of Trafficking and how it links to exploitation
Role of ICTG Service and how you can refer
Attendees will gain a greater understanding of the different ways in which a child can be exploited, and an understanding of the indicators to consider. They will find out what ICTG service can offer and how to refer. To help you keep up to date with current developments surrounding safeguarding children & child exploitation

Anyone working/volunteering with children, young people and their families across North Yorkshire.
Booking via NYES: SLA Online (sla-online.co.uk)

The Partnership welcomes colleagues from the YorSexual health service who will give an overview of their services and how they support victims of child sexual exploitation.
Partners will gain a greater understanding of the YorSexual Health service and they role they can play in supporting victims of exploitation.
Anyone working / volunteering with children, young people and their families across North Yorkshire with the view to help you keep up to date with current developments surrounding safeguarding children and child exploitation.
Booking Via NYES: Child Exploitation Learning Event: YorSexual Health | NYES Info

North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Partnership are proud to team with the Children’s Society to deliver an additional masterclass with a focus in increasing awareness and understanding of Child Financial Exploitation.
The session will include the following topics – Explore some recent learning and emerging insights on the financial exploitation of children and young people
Hear about experiences from The Children’s Society’s national Prevention Programme’s work alongside learning from partners
Consider the implications of our findings with regards to safeguarding young people from harm and preventing their exploitation
Interactive opportunities to hear about how other professionals are responding to this emerging area of exploitation
Providing a space to consider your own ability within your role to identify and respond to Financial Exploitation and contribute to The Children’s Society’s evidence gathering and research on this topic.

Partners will have a greater understanding of Child Financial Exploitation, what it is, how to spot the signs and where to access support.
Everyone working with children and young people, including those working in community-based organisations.
Booking is available via NYES: Child Financial Exploitation Training | NYES Info

Face to Face Development Sessions:

Following the success of last year’s face to face MACE development sessions (which were attended by roughly 150 partners), the sessions will return in June and July 2024. Feedback from last year was very positive, with partners sharing that the welcomed the opportunity to meet MACE partners face to face to build relationships, reflect on local issues and share good practice.

Following partner feedback, the sessions will focus discussions on Online exploitation and will welcome a presentation from the Children’s Society on the Digital Lives of Children. There will also have input from specialist social workers, police exploitation team and the MACE policy and Development officer/contextual safeguarding officer.

The session will allow for partners to reflect on the new MACE strategy and implications for practice, and there will be opportunities for partners to discuss and reflect on local contextual issues.

These events are open to MACE partners and those who are signed up to the MACE confidentiality agreement. For those wider partners who would like to attend and are not signed up to the confidentiality agreement, please contact MACE@northyorks.gov.uk for confirmation.

09:15 -13:00: Police HQ. Alverton Court, Crosby Road, Northallerton, DL6 1BF
MACE Face to Face Development Session | NYES Info

Civic Centre, St Luke’s Mount, Harrogate, HG1 2AE
MACE Face to Face Development Session | NYES Info

Council Chamber, Town Hall, St Nicholas Street, Scarborough YO11 2HG
MACE Face to Face Development Session | NYES Info

National Learning:


Programme of Learning February – March 2024

The Children’s Society Prevention Team are delighted to invite you to join us for our latest #LookCloser programme of learning. We have developed our sessions based on learning from The Children’s Society and wider partners to tackle the issues of child exploitation and abuse. All sessions are free of charge and delivered on Microsoft Teams Live.

Details of sessions available: NYSCP (safeguardingchildren.co.uk)

To find out more about the #LookCloser campaign: #LookCloser To Spot Exploitation | The Children’s Society (childrenssociety.org.uk)

Barnardo’s ICTG Service have a running programme of awareness sessions covering topics relevant to trafficking and exploitation. For further information and to book, please visit Training – NCTC – Barnardos

National Working Group have developed a pack to support CEADay24 where you will find free downloads, social media images, resources, helpful links and key messages to help you make YOUR awareness-raising as impactful as possible. National Child Exploitation Awareness Day 2024 #CEADay24 (cloud.microsoft)

Ivison Trust: Learn through Lived Experience Conference – 18th March 09:30:16:30 (Manchester)

Join with colleagues from across the country to learn from parents with lived experience of child sexual and criminal exploitation. Improve how you safeguard children at risk of exploitation, share barriers you are facing and develop creative responses you can apply in your role. This will be a safe learning environment where you can learn from parents and your peers how to support families affected by child exploitation from risk through to recovery.

Book your place

Pre-Recorded Learning

North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Partnership have a wealth of pre-recorded masterclass sessions on our YouTube channel: (2) NYSCP – YouTube

The Partnership welcome Angela Cole from North Yorkshire Police to share key information about Modern Slavery and what this can look like for adults and children in North Yorkshire. She also shares information about the National Referral Mechanism.
Modern Slavery

A modern slavery conversation with Police and adult services exploring some of the myths surrounding Modern Slavery in  North Yorkshire  
NYSCP Podcast: Myth busting Modern Slavery

(DSL Conference October 2022). A recording of the Designated Safeguarding Lead conference in October 2022  including an overview of child exploitation including Child sexual exploitation, Child criminal exploitation & county lines What does child exploitation look like in North Yorkshire Learning from National Child Safeguarding Review Panel Indicators and signs, how to respond to concerns and further information and support.
Child Exploitation, Contextual Safeguarding and County Lines

An update on Harmful Sexual behaviour by Simone Wilkinson (Group Manager for Early Help). Recordings of the Harmful Sexual behaviour audit Launch event delivered by the Children’s Society are available here:  Harmful Sexual Behaviour Audit Introduction Video (Part One) (youtube.com), Harmful Sexual Behaviour Audit Introduction Video (Part2) (youtube.com)

An NYSCP developments in safeguarding masterclass delivered as part of Safeguarding week in June 2023 looking at disruption of child exploitation and how partners can work collaboratively.
Working Together to Disrupt Child Exploitation in North Yorkshire

Get involved:

You can help us by:
  • Posting CEADay24 content on your social media accounts (suggested content below).
  • Write and share a @Helping Hands’ pledge to show support for the campaign using the hashtags #CEADay24 #Cenomorein24 #Helpinghands
  • Follow NYSCP (@NYSCP1) on X, Instagram and Facebook and share CEADay24 posts on your accounts and get messages out across your networks.
  • Join our free Exploitation Learning events across the week and share the sessions with colleagues so they can attend too.
  • Mobilise colleagues by sharing this briefing and asking them to join you in supporting the CEADay24 campaign. Share with other professionals, as well as young people, families, residents’ communities, and businesses across North Yorkshire.
  • Promote and share our poster for the North Yorkshire BeAware Knowledge Hub – display across community spaces.
  • Add our email our email banner to you signature to promote BeAware
  • Free downloads of posters/email banners etc can be accessed here: NYSCP (safeguardingchildren.co.uk)

Suggested social media content:

  • Communities must tackle exploitation together. www.safeguardingchildren.co.uk/beaware #beaware #CEADay24 #Cenomorein24
  • Professionals and communities can work with young people to tackle exploitation so that young people can be safe from harm outside the home www.safeguardingchildren.co.uk/beaware #beaware #CEADay24 #Cenomorein24
  • The sexual exploitation of boys and young men does happen, its not just something that happens to girls. @nyscp1 are raising awareness so we can all tackle it together. Find out more at our BeAware knowledge hub: ww.safeguardingchildren.co.uk/beaware   #beaware #CEADay24 #Cenomorein24
  • Children and young people can’t consent to exploitation. Don’t blame or judge, but recognize it as abuse. Find out more: www.safeguardingchildren.co.uk/beaware #beaware #CEADay24 #Cenomorein24
  • Criminal exploitation of girls happens too: Find out more about; Spotting the signs, what to do if you are worried, and much more in our BeAware Knowledge Hub www.safeguardingchildren.co.uk/beaware #beaware #CEADay24 #Cenomorein24
  • Did you know @northyorkshiresafeguardingchildrenpartnership have spoken to young people in North Yorkshire about what the key things they wanted to know about child exploitation – Find out more about: What child exploitation looks like. How you can spot the signs. Ways to keep safe when out with mates or online. What to do if you are worried. And much more, in our BeAware knowledge hub: www.safeguardingchildren.co.uk/beaware #beaware #CEADay24 #Cenomorein24
  • Exploitation and its impact doesn’t stop because you turn 18. www.safeguardingchildren.co.uk/beaware #beaware #CEADay24 #Cenomorein24
  • Child exploitation is child abuse. Learning about the signs can help us all raise awareness and tackle it together. We’re sharing the stories and experiences of exploitation in North Yorkshire on behalf of @nyscp1. Let’s get talking about it! Find out more at:  www.safeguardingchildren.co.uk/beaware #beaware #CEADay24 #Cenomorein24
  • “We all need to #BeAware of child exploitation because all children are vulnerable.” Parents with experiences of child exploitation are sharing key messages to raise awareness of how we can all tackle it together – find out more from @nyscp1: www.safeguardingchildren.co.uk/beaware #CEADay24 #Cenomorein24 #beaware
  • “I thought it was a good thing to do at the time because nobody my age was making the money I was making, but at the same time like – is it really worth it? …I was stuck” Find out more about what @nyscp1 say child exploitation can look like for young people, what the risks are and where you can turn if you need help. www.safeguardingchildren.co.uk/beaware #beaware #CEADay24 #Cenomorein24
  • Child exploitation is happening across North Yorkshire. If you see something, say something and let’s tackle it together. Find out more at: www.safeguardingchildren.co.uk/beaware #beaware #CEADay24 #Cenomorein24

More information on National Child Exploitation day, including resources, free downloads, helpful links and key message can be found at the National Working Group Campaign page: National Child Exploitation Awareness Day 2024 #CEADay24 (cloud.microsoft)


Resource Library

Find the latest forms, guidance, tools and documents to help you safeguard children in North Yorkshire by searching in our resource library


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