New Universal Referral Form
Professionals in all agencies have a responsibility to refer a child when it is believed or suspected that a child:
- Has suffered significant harm and /or;
- Is likely to suffer significant harm and/or;
- Has developmental and welfare needs which are likely only to be met through provision of family support services (with agreement of the child’s parent).
Normally professionals will contact 01609 780780 to notify the local authority of their concerns about a child or young person. Any telephone referral should be followed by a written referral within 24 hours of a telephone call.
To support this the NYSCP and its partners have updated the Universal Referral Form which is available from. The questions asked within the Universal Referral Form helps the Children and Families Service to obtain a better understanding of that child’s situation, including:
- what the worries are
- what are the strengths and safety for the child, and
- what the referrers analysis of the situation is.
The NYSCP Universal Referral Form has recently been amended to reflect North Yorkshire County Council’s Strength in Relationship Model to allow the Local Authority Children and Young People’s Service to make decisions in a timely and consistent manner. Guidance has also been produced to help using the form to complete a written referral.
The revised Universal Referral Form and guidance to help you complete the form are available below:
When making a referral remember:
- to talk to the family first unless doing so would place the child or another at risk of harm. Families cannot make changes if they do not know your concerns or changes which you feel need to be made
- be honest and factual; information shared in your referral will form the basis for decision-making and be shared with the family, it can be challenging to gain a clear understanding of the situation or request for support if the information provided is vague or generalised.
- take your time; consider how you would want information about your own family to be recorded and consider what your best hopes from Childrens and Families referral is (referrals should not be made “just in case” or “to pass on info”)
- talk to who is already involved; If there is a Child and Family Worker, please call them first.
If there is an immediate safeguarding concern where you feel the child is at imminent risk consider whether the Police should be notified on 999.