NYSCP LGfL Free Resources for Schools - North Yorkshire

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LGfL Free Resources for Schools

LGfL Free Resources for Schools

The National Grid for Learning LGfL is a not-for-profit organisation run by the London Councils, but they work with schools across the country. The DigiSafe team in LGfL provide lots of absolutely free support and resources to all schools and they are keen to improve their reach. It really doesn’t cost them anything, and our work is featured throughout Keeping Children Safe in Education (2022). While they already work with thousands of schools, with budgets becoming increasingly stretched, they are looking to let more school benefit from their support. DSLs across North Yorkshire may find the links to resources below to be particularly  helpful:

  • KCSIE Quizzes – a bank of 8 different quizzes (some general and some thematic) to support DSLs with their responsibility of ensuring all staff understand KCSIE.
  • Online Safety Audit – KCSIE 145. “Schools should consider carrying out an annual review of their approach to online safety, supported by an annual risk assessment that considers and reflects the risks their children face. A free online safety self-review tool for schools can be found via the…. LGfL online safety audit.”
  • SafeSkills – an interactive online safety diagnostic teaching tool for schools created using the UKCIS Education for a Connected World framework, to help assess young people’s competency for digital life, as recommended in Keeping Children Safe in Education and RSHE guidance.
  • Lots of safeguarding training for DSLs, Governors and IT technicians (including Filtering, County Lines, Neglect, Online Sexual Abuse etc.)
  • Undressed – KCSIE 466, a resource “to teach young children about being tricked into getting undressed online in a fun way without scaring them.”
  • Prevent resources – KCSIE pg151. Their LGfL team have worked with DfE and Home Office to create lots of useful materials for teachers to use with pupils to prevent radicalisation.
  • ParentSafe – is a dedicated webpage for parents about keeping children safe online and beyond.
  • Newsletter –  keeping DSLs up to date with key safeguarding information.
  • And a huge safeguarding resource bank signposting DSLs to some of the best resources available.

All of these resources are free to ANY school. For more information visit:

Updated 17 March 2023


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