NYSCP Child Safety Week 2022 - Partner Briefing to be shared across your networks - North Yorkshire

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Child Safety Week 2022 – Partner Briefing to be shared across your networks

Child Safety Week 2022 – Partner Briefing to be shared across your networks

What is Child Safety Week?

Child Safety Week is an annual community education campaign run by the Child Accident Prevention Trust (CAPT), acting as a catalyst for thousands of safety conversations and activities UK-wide.

This year, Child Safety Week runs from Monday 6th to Sunday 12th June, with the theme Safety in mind.

Why Are We Supporting Child Safety Week?

Unintentional injuries, particularly those in and around the home, are a leading cause of preventable death for children under five years old and are a major cause of ill health and serious disability.

Although rates of hospital admission in North Yorkshire caused by unintentional injuries in children are relatively stable, they are significantly worse that the England average and our closet statistical neighbours.

Injuries are preventable and we can do something about it – supporting Child Safety Week by sharing campaign messages with families and communities across the County is one of the actions we are taking to help address the issue locally.

Why Is Your Support Needed?

Family life today is more complex than it’s ever been and often the very things that help make life more convenient bring new risks. Button batteries, child-appealing washing capsules, nappy sacks, coffee culture trends where hot drinks are served in busy coffee shops, and distraction from devices when driving or walking near busy roads can place children at risk.

If your role or your organisation’s work involves caring for families and children, either directly or indirectly, then please consider supporting Child Safety Week. Big or small, taking part in Child Safety Week will help you and the families you support to feel confident about keeping children safe.

What Can You and Your Organisation Do?

Share Resources :

Promote through your Social Media channels:

  • Follow the Child Accident Prevention Trust on Facebook and Twitter to share Child Safety Week posts on your Social Media accounts and get the messages out across your networks
  • Use the campaign hashtags on your posts #childsafetyweek #Safetyinmind
  • use the “We support Child Safety Week” logodownload  

Thank you in anticipation of your support for the 2022 Child Safety Week Campaign.


Resource Library

Find the latest forms, guidance, tools and documents to help you safeguard children in North Yorkshire by searching in our resource library


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