NYSCP North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Partnership E-Bulletin May 2022 - North Yorkshire

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North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Partnership E-Bulletin May 2022

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Welcome to the NYSCP May 2022 edition of our e-Bulletin 

Welcome to May’s edition of our NYSCP E-Bulletin.

It is incredible that we are in May already and spring is well and truly here. 

This month’s e-bulletin is packed with lots of information on a variety of subjects which you can use and share in your everyday practice including a toolkit for 11-18s, exploitation, training and more.

We have added a number of exciting new masterclasses on some really interesting subjects and YorSexual Health have a new Sexual Health Basics virtual course to help professionals gain knowledge and confidence to support sexual health issues.

Next month also sees the launch of Safeguarding Week 2022.  With lots on offer this will be something you will not want to miss.

Thank you for taking the time to view our e-bulletin and we will see you next month.

Many thanks,

Haydn Rees Jones

NYSCP Policy Officer

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CEOP Education Toolkit for 11-18s

CEOP have developed a new toolkit to use alongside their ‘thinkyouknow’ website aimed at 11-18s. This toolkit helps you to transform the website for 11–18s from a reference tool into an engaging resource. It contains activities suitable for use in schools, youth work and other educational settings.

Supporting young people to explore the information, advice and guidance on our website will help them:

  • Develop confident, healthy approaches to sex, relationships and the internet.
  • Identify any negative behaviour they encounter, and respond with resilience.
  • Know where they can access advice and guidance on these issues, in their own time.
  • Know where to go for help if they ever feel worried or threatened online or in a relationship.

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More Mini Masterclasses added for 2022

May 27th 12noon – 1pm – Working with Gypsy, Roma, Traveller Communities

To provide delegates with first hand experience and information about Gypsy, Roma and Traveller Communities. To book your place click here

June 24th 12noon – 1pm – Be Aware and the Professional Development Programme

To provide information regarding child exploitation and the launch of the Be Aware knowledge hub and learn about the Professional Development programme. To book your place click here

July 29th 12noon – 1pm – NYSCP Quickfire Safeguarding Updates

To provide updated information in development within the safeguarding of children arena for sharing within their teams. To book your place click here

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PACE – Towards Hope


PACE are so excited to share their new animation Towards Hope which has been made in partnership with parents affected by child exploitation to challenge the blame and stigma associated with child exploitation. 

Featuring the voices of affected parents, the film tells the story of what it feels like for parents to live with the stigma and how everyone can play a role in supporting families with compassion and courage, instead of blame and shame.

Please stand with us and them and challenge the stigma of child exploitation – watch and share the video and help us spread the message far and wide.

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YorSexual Health – Sexual Health Basics Training

YorSexualHealth – Sexual Health Basics Training Free virtual training for professionals in North Yorkshire 3.5.22 at 10.30am


This Sexual Health Basics training session is designed for those working with people who want to gain knowledge and confidence to offer support around sexual health issues.

Target staff group

Non-clinical professionals who are providing support, information and services in sexual health; for example: family support workers, youth workers, PSHE teachers, foster carers

Learning outcomes

  • Knowledge of up to date and accurate information to promote safer sex and contraception.
  • Healthy Relationships and Wellbeing
  • An understanding of the nature and transmission risk of STI’s (Sexually Transmitted Infections including HIV).
  • Be aware of services in the local area; where to access and signpost to local sexual health services.
  • A practical overview of sex and the law.
  • Gain an understanding of chlamydia and testing.
  • Be able to issue condoms via the condom distribution scheme and understand the requirements of the condom distribution scheme.

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Resources to Raise Awareness of Child Exploitation, Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking


Project Alliance have put together a list of training to expand your understanding of Child Exploitation. These are free to access, with focuses on how Exploitation, Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking can be present in the places you work or socialise.

These are free, online resources designed to fit around your schedule and cover a range of expertise from beginner to experienced, working with different forms of exploitation.

The resource can be accessed on the Be Aware section of our website here: NYSCP (safeguardingchildren.co.uk) or by scanning the QR code below.

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‘Working with Men’ Virtual Conference

Diverse people on online group video chat screen.

North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Partnership ‘Working with Men’ is taking place virtually on Microsoft Teams on Wednesday 18th May 9.30 – 1.00.

To read more and book your place visit the link here

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Educators – Have your Say

NHS North Yorkshire Clinical Commissioning Group is reviewing the current children and young people’s autism assessment service in North Yorkshire and we would like to invite teachers and those working in education who refer into the current children and young peoples’ autism assessment service to share your experience by completing a short survey.

It should take you no longer than 10 minutes to complete the survey and your feedback will help inform the development of future services.

Please complete the online survey using the link: https://www.smartsurvey.co.uk/s/NBF2E7/

The survey will close Friday 20 May 2022, thank you for sharing your experience.

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Safeguarding Week is 20th – 24th June 2022.

Its back! The 2022 Safeguarding Week campaign will take place between Monday 20th – Friday 24 June

Hosted by the safeguarding children’s partnerships, safeguarding adults’ boards, and community safety partnerships from North Yorkshire, York and East Riding – the Safeguarding Week campaign affords us the opportunity to feature inspirational expert speakers from the safeguarding community to support your professional development, stimulate discussion and provoke innovative thinking.

Following the success of our on-line conference last year, we will be following the same format this year – hosting a week of virtual webinars, presentations and workshops; for both professionals and members of the public.

Throughout the campaign we will highlight the fantastic multi-agency work of organisations and communities in keeping children, young people, adults and communities safe and, as ever, we will promote the message that safeguarding IS everybody’s business.

Registration for the workshops and presentations will open in May and we wanted to be sure that you had the dates set aside in your diary.

We look forward to sharing the full programme with you when it is available

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Harmful Sexual Behaviour Support Service

SWGfl - HSB suport service
SWGfl – HSB suport service

In June 2021 Ofsted concluded that the prevalence of child-on-child sexual harassment and abuse was so widespread that, for some, incidents are ‘so commonplace that they see no point in reporting them’ and ‘consider them normal’. 

SWGfL and The Marie Collins Foundation has created a support service for professionals working with children and young people in tackling harmful sexual behaviours, funded by the Home Office and in collaboration with the Department for Education. Harmful sexual behaviour is ‘sexual behaviours expressed by children and young people under the age of 18 years old that are developmentally inappropriate, may be harmful towards self or others, or abusive towards another child, young person or adult’ (Hackett, 2014).

The support service is available for anyone in England working with children and young people, particularly, designated safeguarding leads within primary and secondary schools and alternative provision. Support is also available to early years provision, colleges and wider safeguarding professionals (including police, social workers and health care professionals). If children within your care have been displaying or are affected by specific incidents of Harmful Sexual Behaviour, the support service can provide initial support and signpost to further resources and advice.

The service is available from 8:00am to 8:00pm Monday to Friday. Those who need support can either email  hsbsupport@swgfl.org.uk or call 0344 2250623.

Harmful Sexual Behaviour Support Service

Useful Links

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Resource Library

Find the latest forms, guidance, tools and documents to help you safeguard children in North Yorkshire by searching in our resource library


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