NYSCP Could you name a Fire Engine? - North Yorkshire

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Could you name a Fire Engine?

 North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service are encouraging children who live in or around Northallerton and Richmond to help them find a name for their two newest fire engines. You can click on the poster below to download and read more information.


 The competition marks the arrival of two replacement fire engines which carry the latest state of the art equipment and serve the communities of Northallerton, Richmond and the surrounding areas,

 Thomas Hirst, Fire and Rescue Head of Service Delivery for Hambleton and Richmondshire said “As part of this competition we want to raise awareness with children and their families, but also our wider communities that the fire and rescue service isn’t just there for them in emergencies, we are always here for them working in towns and villages throughout North Yorkshire, helping people to keep safe and feel safe.

 A big part of our work is being out and about delivering safe and well activities which is where we can visit people in their homes completely free of charge, and talk with them about how they can keep safe and well in. As part of this competition we are encouraging children but also parents, carers, grandparents, aunts and uncles and guardians, to check out our short safe and well film at www.youtube.com/watch?v=kiBCuMV3dPc. The short film covers many of the key safety points covered in our Safe and Well home visits”.

 North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service are also working with a number of schools in Northallerton and Richmond to talk with children about the new fire engines for their community, and to deliver educational activities which aim to help keep them and their families safe.

 Thomas Hirst went on to say “The pandemic has made life really challenging for many people, especially our children who will have spent a lot of time over many months not seeing as much of their friends and families as they would have done before Covid-19 became part of all of our lives.

 We wanted to give children the opportunity to have some fun by helping us to choose the new names for our two new fire engines, and we also want to raise awareness through our safe and well film about the many little things that we can all do every day, which help keep us and those we care about that little bit safer. Coming up with a plan at tea-time about how to escape the home if there’s a fire, or taking turns to give the fire alarm a little poke each Tuesday as part of ‘Test it Tuesday’ to check it’s still working. Little things like these could save an individual or a whole family and they take just moments to do”.

 After shortlisting, the winning names for each fire engine will be chosen by Philip Allot the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner for North Yorkshire on the week commencing 28th June  The two winners will have their suggested name displayed on the side of each of the new fire engines and each engine will be taken to the winning child’s school or at our Station if more suitable for an official naming ceremony. Entries for the competition can be made online at  Name our fire engine competition – North Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Service (northyorksfire.gov.uk)


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