Volunteers Wanted: Practitioner Forum
Following the success of the NYSCP consultation events looking at the development of the Early Help and Being Young in North Yorkshire Strategy, in summer 2024, North Yorkshire Safeguarding Partnership would like to work with front line practitioners in the development of a regular practitioner forum.
This would be an opportunity to share the valuable knowledge of frontline practice and experiences of working with children and families across North Yorkshire, to shape and develop the work of the partnership in order for it to have the biggest impact on practice.
We want the scope and function of the meetings to be developed by frontline practitioners, therefore we would like to invite you to an initial meeting to develop a terms of reference and explore possibilities for future meetings.
The initial meeting will be held 12:00 – 13:00 on Wednesday 13th November.
If you are a frontline practitioner or volunteer, working with children and families in North Yorkshire and would like to join us, please can you let us know by emailing NYSCP@northyorks.gov.uk by Friday 1st November.