NYSCP Harmful Sexual Behaviour Audit 2024 - North Yorkshire

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Harmful Sexual Behaviour Audit 2024

Harmful Sexual Behaviour Audit 2024

On 17th January over 120 partners (a national record for area turnout!) welcomed Jenny Nicholson from the NSPCC to introduce the Harmful Sexual Behaviour Audit. It was wonderful to see such passionate partnership engagement and participation throughout the session and a clear dedication to support with the audit.

North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Partnership has a strategic priority to tackle child sexual abuse in all its forms. We have identified that we need to better understand the issues associated with Harmful Sexual Behaviour (HSB) experienced by and displayed by children and young people in North Yorkshire. To help inform this understanding we are conducting a multi-agency audit that will seek to identify current practitioner awareness of HSB and the pathways of support for children and young people displaying such behaviours. The aim of the audit is to get a clear, honest picture of our current position and highlight any actions that may be required to improve the provision of response and services for children and young people to support the development of a HSB Strategy.

We need your help to ensure all organisation are engaged in the audit which is being undertaken by the NSPCC. The engagement of all agencies is key to developing an informed approach to the identification of issues and responses. 

Recordings of the session are available on out YouTube channel and below. The sessions included:

What is Harmful Sexual Behaviour

Recognising Harmful Sexual Behaviour

Harmful Sexual Behaviour Framework – audit process and next steps

Questions from partners.

How do I know if I need to complete the audit?

You will be contact by the partnership by 19th January if you have been selected to completed the audit tool. You will receive the tool alongside full guidance and support for completion. The audit will need to be completed and returned to the partnership by 9th February.

If you have not been contacted by 19th January and would like to participate in the audit you can contact nyscp@northyorks.gov.uk

Finding of the audit will be shared with the partnership at a learning event in March – watch this space for details.

Where to find out more:

Full information about Harmful Sexual Behaviour, including information videos, podcast and practice guidance can be accessed in the BeAware knowledge Hub.


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