NYSCP Contact Number for North Yorkshire Council is Changing - North Yorkshire

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Contact Number for North Yorkshire Council is Changing

Contact Number for North Yorkshire Council is Changing

From the 1st April 2023, the main customer service line for the new North Yorkshire Council will be changing.

The new number will be 0300 131 2 131 and will replace the old 01609 780780 number. This will mean that all contacts for referrals for children within North Yorkshire need to go through the 0300 131 2 131 number. This includes any contacts out of hours for the Emergency Duty Team.

The contact number for the professionals line will remain the same 01609 535070.

The updated details regarding making a referral for a child in North Yorkshire have been updated on our website (www.safeguardingchildren.co.uk/about-us/worried-about-a-child).

Please can you share this across your organisations and update any existing contact details.

The new number will be for all main customer communications into the new North Yorkshire Council; however, no current numbers will be switched off until there is confidence that they are not required. This means that if an individual rings a legacy phone number (01609 780780), their call will continue to be answered.


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