NYSCP Local Policing Support - Partner update - North Yorkshire

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Local Policing Support – Partner update

Local Policing Support – NYP’s new name for their Partnership Hub

North Yorkshire Police’s Partnership Hub has changed its name to Local Policing Support. You may work with some of the team as they work across a wide range of policing areas and multi-agency projects.

This is to let you know of the change in name and to refresh any contact details you may have.

The department has changed its name to better reflect the work and remit of the team and to bring them in line with similar teams in other police forces who carry out the same work.

The team, based at Athena House in York and headed by Superintendent Vicky Taylor, provide a range of services to support policing including:

  • Operational mental health advisors & ‘Right Care, Right Person’
  • Hate Crime Co-ordination Team
  • Problem solving team and problem solving training
  • Alcohol, gambling, sex and scrap metal licensing
  • Children and young people, including schools liaison
  • Citizens in Policing coordination and support
  • Harm reduction including naloxone training
  • Public Safety Service
  • Digital PCSOs
  • Designing out crime officers
  • Antisocial behaviour hotspots – managing £1m funding from the Home Office for the next 12 months

Superintendent Taylor is supported by a team of senior officers including:

  • Chief Inspector Andy Godfrey
  • Inspector Amanda Reader
  • Inspector Danny Leach, and
  • Citizens in Policing Coordinator Manager, Chris Turner

Inspector Amanda Reader leads on

  • The Neighbourhood Policing Portfolio
  • Orders and Interventions
  • Antisocial behaviour hotspot policing for the next 12 months
  • Community Safety Hubs – strategic overview
  • Crime Prevention

Amanda also manages the following teams:

Problem Solving Training Team

This small team deliver problem-solving training across the force to all staff, officers and partners. They focus on the SARA model of problem solving and also support the problem-solving tactical advisors team to ensure that they remain operationally competent.
Contact the team at problemsolvingtraining@northyorkshire.police.uk

Problem Solving Tactical Advisors

This team provide support on the SARA model of problem solving to all officers. They can assist with all aspects of problem solving, including environmental visual audits, understanding what partners we should involve, chairing and setting up meetings, surveying the community, identifying best practice and effective responses.
Contact the team at problemsolving@northyorkshire.police.uk

Children and young people including School Liaison Officers

The main focus of this team is to prevent the criminalisation of young people and provide early intervention and support. They are all PSHE (personal, social, health & economic education) accredited and work closely with schools, education, youth groups, partner agencies and local policing teams.
Contact the team at schoolteam2@northyorkshire.police.uk

Designing Out Crime Officers

We have two Designing Out Crime Officers who review planning developments and applications to minimise the risk of crime and anti-social behaviour. They make recommendations to ensure that locations are ‘secure by design’ from the outset.

Digital PCSOs

Out Digital Police Community Support Officers are experienced PCSOs who engage with the community to promote online safety, provide signposting and crime prevention advice. They do this online via social media and also face-to-face at events. Updating members of the public about local policing through our community messaging system is a key part of their role.

Community Messenger is a system that is used to inform members of the public at a local and county level, to provide specific information to residents and businesses and to create public surveys. The DPCSOs also support other officers in the use of community messaging and assist Neighbourhood Policing Teams when they need to get information out to the public quickly.
Contact the team at digital.pcso@northyorkshire.pnn.police.uk

Inspector Danny Leach leads the following teams

The Operational Mental Health Advisor Team

A team of one PC and one sergeant who offer support and advice to colleagues and partners alongside ‘Right Care, Right Person’, and when there are mental health considerations. Mental Health legislation, policy and procedure can be complicated and health services differ across the force area, so the team are here to help guide officers with investigations and to help solve problems when they arise. The team also support our mental health partners when they need to understand or work with NYP.
Contact the team at MentalHealthLiaison@northyorkshire.pnn.police.uk

The Hate Crime Coordinator Team

The team comprises one sergeant, two hate crime coordinators and a hate crime PCSO. They carry out engagement work with our communities and ensure victims of hate crime and hate incidents receive the best service possible. They review all incidents of hate crime, offering investigative advice and specialist knowledge, along with training for officers, outside agencies and community groups.

They liaise directly with partners to ensure victims receive the appropriate support and aftercare and work with criminal justice partners and the CPS to ensure that offenders are brought to justice whenever possible.

The team also coordinate our Strategic Independent Advisory Group (SIAG). The SIAG comprises members of the public with diverse backgrounds who advise the force and provide input on policing matters from different perspectives. This diversity of thought is vital to help us continually improve our working practices including (but not limited to) our approach to hate crime.
Contact the team at HateCrime@northyorkshire.pnn.police.uk

The Alcohol Licensing Team

A team of two sergeants, one member of police staff and seven PCs who manage over 6,000 licensed premises and uphold NYP’s responsibilities under the Licensing Act regarding:

  • Premises selling alcohol to the public
  • Temporary event notices
  • Scrap metal dealers
  • Sex entertainment premises
  • Gambling establishments

The team work very closely with licensing authorities (councils) and carry out specialist work at licensing hearings.

They work hard to prevent problems before they occur. This could be objecting to applications where there would be breaches of the four licensing objectives.
Contact the team at NYPLicensing@northyorkshire.police.uk

Harm Reduction

This portfolio is managed by one member of police staff, our Harm Reduction Officer, whose primary focus is early intervention and prevention in relation to drug and alcohol harms. They work closely with key partners, exploring ways to reduce the demand on front-line services, while also supporting some of the most vulnerable people in our communities who are substance users. They are responsible for the current force-wide rollout of naloxone, a lifesaving opioid reversal drug that can be administered to those suffering overdose.
Contact our Harm Reduction Officer at HarmReduction@northyorkshire.pnn.police.uk

The Public Safety Service

This team is focused on prevention and early intervention on behalf of multiple public services including North Yorkshire Police, Yorkshire Ambulance Service and North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service. Their aim is to help prevent vulnerability, reduce harm and improve the safety and resilience of our communities. We are currently assisting our partners to develop this service.

Chris Turner

Citizens in Policing

Citizens in Policing (CiP) is the collective term for people who volunteer for the police service. Chris is our CiP Coordinator Manager and along with a team of CiP Coordinators, they oversee and coordinate the recruitment and management of our Volunteer Police Cadets, Special Constables and Police Support Volunteers.

Our volunteers provide invaluable support to policing, giving up their own time to enhance the service we provide to our communities.

Special Constables are fully warranted officers and can deploy in most front-line policing roles. There are over 34 police support volunteer roles including drivers, Neighbourhood Support Volunteers, admin support, and role players. Our Volunteer Police Cadets are always looking for opportunities to support neighbourhood policing. They take part in community events and help Neighbourhood Policing Teams with tasks such as letter and leaflet drops. They are also always keen to have guest speakers at their cadet sessions!
Contact Chris via email at Christopher.Turner@northyorkshire.police.uk


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